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Everything posted by ljbeng

  1. There is a maker, "scottdee" who has decided to put my name and my business name as a "villian" on most of his thing descriptions. How can I get that off of there? I have no idea why he does it. I have never printed anything of his and never will. I'm not even interested in the items where he puts my name in the description. (Luke B. and BestBattlePlan) Is there some policy to prevent him from sharing my personal information on a public website? It's really creepy. Thanks.
  2. Let me know if I am wrong... I start with the standard profile and change parameters A,B,C and D. I save this as Custom1. I start with the standard profile and change 4 different parameters, E, F, G and H. I save this as Custom2. I now start with Custom2, slice, print then select Custom1. I now have a profile loaded with ALL 8 changes, A,B,C,D,E,F,G and H??? This seems to be what is happening and ruining prints and hours of time.
  3. Here is a scenario that happens all the time. Cura 5.4.0 Open a known good profile. Edit retraction from 4 to 6 for a test. Do Not save that profile. Open another existing profile (that had retraction set to 2.0) Guess what? The retraction is still set to 6... ??? Why? Thanks.
  4. If you accidentally attach an SD card with the "Read Only" switch activated, Cura will indicate that it cannot save to the SD card. Even if you fix the issue, move the switch and re-insert the card, Cura still prevents you from writing to the SD card until you close Cura and start it again. When that happens, I write to the hard drive then copy the file but this just seems like a bug.
  5. Not sure if Cura software peeps read these posts but I'd like when I press Preview to see the "test" line that is printed (Ender3 and CR10). Once in a while my print walks over that line and things get fused. I do not want to remove the line, I like it 🙂
  6. I had Cura opened with a design and I plugged in a usb serial port for something else I was working on (Arduino). Cura must have opened the serial port automatically??? I spent hours trying to get my Arduino to talk to my pc. I closed Cura so I could reboot and the serial port worked again for the Arduino. I opened Cura and the port was "opened by another application" so It dawned on me I have to close Cura anytime I am doing my normal programming and electrical work. Is there a configuration setting I can change to make Cura not open usb serial ports? I don't ever use Cura connected to any printer.
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