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Everything posted by Racerboy

  1. Print speed is 50 mm/s, infill 50 mm/s, top/bottom 25 mm/s. I see what you mean about the gaps, but didn't think they were significant enough to worry about - so I should be getting a better quality out of the top face you think? I forgot to save the settings, but haven't changed print speed and flows. Flow is all 95%, I have this extruder with e-steps changed to 139 from stock. I found 95% flow to give me approx. +/-0.02mm on a calibration cube. Line width set to 0.4mm.
  2. I seem to be getting an end-of-layer blob with this PLA print. There is supposed to be a through-hole on the left and right sides, the left side works fine but it messes up the right. The left side is where it starts the layer, and the right side is where it ends. I aborted Part 2 because I noticed it starting again, with adjusted retraction settings. Also noticing it on 2 of the larger holes, shown below, at the end of each revolution. Ender 3 v2 0.2mm Layer Height 4mm nozzle 100% infill 205°C nozzle, 60°C bed Support: none Part 1: 6mm retraction @ 25mm/s Part 2: 4mm retraction @ 50mm/s Any help is appreciated - Thanks!
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