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  • 3D printer
    Ultimaker S5

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  1. Thanks for the pics and the quick reply! It looks like I need to switch one of the front spacers and I think i have lost one of the side spacers! I guess people already know, but I found that removing the sides is best for initial access, then once these are steadied out of the way, undo the front from the top to allow bar removal. Then when working to put the belts back on I found that working from the rear left hand side towards the front right hand side gave the best order for reinstallation. You need to slacken the grub screws on one side of each bar to allow the belts to find their own centres before levelling each side up and retightening the grub screws. Only the front bar holder had worn, which is a little strange, but i replaced both front and rear as I dont fancy doing the job twice! Think I will print myself another spacer before I strip it again.
  2. Hi, does anyone know if there is an exploded diagram or build up instructions for the whole of the S5? I have an S5 which has been running pretty much constantly for the last couple of years and the cross bar holders on the front and rear belts have now worn and allowed the bars to keep dropping out. The supplier offered a repair service, but I have chosen to replace myself. I have stripped and rebuilt the printer, but half way through the rebuild the bars all dropped and lots of parts fell out loosing where each of the bar spacers go (the ones between the pulleys and the side frame bearings). Its all back together and printing fine, but I think there should be a spacer on one of the sides so wanted to check before putting it back full time to work again. Thanks Andy
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