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Everything posted by JazekerXX

  1. thanks for this in depth reply, interesting! maybe i have something for you too, it's blob prevention. when do blobs occur? in my opinion when the printer has micro stutters due to too many commands per second. the printer stops for a split second but the extruder extrudes at a constant speed, and a blob is created. this mostly occurs at round surfaces with very high detail. i found a setting in cura wich helps to reduce the commands per second. see image below. so if a curved line of 0,5mm has less deviation then 0,05mm, then it's considered a straight line. so the difference is neglectable but it removes all the blobs. hope this helps you too. best regards
  2. i'm curious, why do you print so slow? i guess because you don't use cooling, it has time to cool?
  3. try 235 nozzle, 70-90 bed (higher temp gives better bed adhesion) and fan 30% those are the most important settings, you could play with retraction distance (2-7mm) and speed (25-50mm/s) the petg i use is Verbatim black and even at 180C it stil prints but looses it's gloss and has bad layer adhesion, so it has to shine at least. petg always strings a bit but i love it way better then PLA
  4. yep, just checked it works, NICE! the bed and nozzle heat up at the same time, nozzle pre-heats to 180C and after the bed reached the set temp then the nozzle heats further to set temp. thx ahoeben for the help!
  5. FYI this is what cura sends before the start gcode: ;FLAVOR:Marlin ;TIME:271 ;Filament used: 0.300314m ;Layer height: 0.3 ;MINX:64.694 ;MINY:55.895 ;MINZ:0.3 ;MAXX:175.983 ;MAXY:177.194 ;MAXZ:0.3 ;Generated with Cura_SteamEngine 4.8.0 M140 S70 M105 M190 S70 M104 S245 M105 M109 S245 M82 ;absolute extrusion mode ; Ender 3 Custom Start G-code G92 E0 ; Reset Extruder G28 ; Home all axes i checked the meaning of the gcodes on : https://marlinfw.org/meta/gcode/ M140 - Set Bed Temperature M105 - Report Temperatures M190 - Wait for Bed Temperature M104 - Set Hotend Temperature M105 - Report Temperatures M109 - Wait for Hotend Temperature i see now that M109 and M190 is used for the wait command. so i think it should be something like this: M140 S{material_bed_temperature} M104 S180 ;pre-heat to 180C M105 ;not shure if this is necessary M190 S{material_bed_temperature} M109 S{material_print_temperature} M82
  6. hi Ahoeben, thx for your reply! i got it from the link you gave higher in this thread: i must say with the _wait it waits untill the temperature is reached, without it it sets the temperature and does a g28 immediate (while still cold) you are absolutely right, that's so stupid of me, haha. thx any idea if it's possible to let them heat together?
  7. is there by the way a way to see all the code that is excecuted by cura (that we can't see) before the start gcode?
  8. i really like this post and wanted to try to let the hotend and bed heat up at the same time, but with those lines above i can't get that to work. i tried different order and with and without _wait but even when is set the nozzle first and then the bed with wait like below, the printr still heats the bed first and wait with heating the nozzle. i just want them to heat together. and if we want to make it really good, only pre-heat the nozzle to for example 180 degrees or set a time delay for the nozzle heat up before they heat together, so they reach goal temperatures approx. at the same time. that would be great, anyone knows if any of this is possible? M104 S{material_print_temperature} T0 ; M140 S{material_bed_temperature_wait} ;
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