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  • 3D printer
    Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle

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  1. The ultimaker pro bundle is giving me loads of issues. I get "Error at Extruder Head, please reboot." I have one bay that it simply will not recognize material in it. It seems like I have to unplug the entire system from time to time to make the material handler act correctly. Sometimes it thinks there is filament in the head when there isn't any, happily printing away with nothing in the head. Then when it fails a print, despite the print looking perfect when it stops there is no ability to restart it. I am scrapping an entire roll worth of material, and now have a CNC machine diverting its work because the fixturing this machine was supposed to create was lost overnight. I use this machine to support my CNC manufacturing business, we use it to make fixtures, soft jaws, dividers, even some packaging. But instead of a competent piece of industrial machinery, I fill like it should be reserved for making chess pieces and little chunks of art. I just can't depend on it to deliver on time. Should I take the material handling station off and just direct feed it? This whole system and how removed you are from the 1's and 0's is just ridiculous. I know its as simple as a parameter that is incorrectly set, and if I could just access the parameter list I could go in and flip that parameter and away we would go. The same with the program. If it had the NC program in it when it halted, I could simply restart the NC program where it stopped, no issue. But I can't find a piece of code anywhere in this machine. Its like it was made for idiots. "If not work, turn off, turn on, try again" is the only answer. I need this machine to do exactly what I tell it. I need it to run the damn code, and I need it to make the frigging parts, I just don't know how to get there with what seems to be an entirely buggy material station.
  2. Have an ULTI S5 Pro-Bundle We are a manufacturing company, using FANUC, Siemens, Yamasaki controls etc. Had quite a few stumbling blocks in getting the Ultimaker to be able to be trouble shot easily and for it to stay reliable. Granted this may not be an industrial scaled control system, but it seems to lack some basic functionality. Among the features that are missing: Interlock cancel and direct control are not available -Should be able to force reverse feed, or feed with material station -Should be able to look at g-code as its being ran so you can see issues in programs and understand better when errors occurs. You are often not present when an error happens so you can't see if something in the code triggered it, or even what the machine was doing when the error occurred. Absolutely zero logic insight into what the material station or printer is hung on -The alarms you do get seem to require a system reboot, and the problem is often still present at reboot -The alarms are not descriptive -Sometimes alarms are not called, but the machine is in an error state. Like it will goto x+ y home and just sit there on print command with no errors present. Usually do spooling the filament works, but its a hassle, and I always cut it off to get fresh filament in. On the mechanical side: Material station is constantly erroring on material feeds. Anytime it switches material types it seems to leave a balled amount of material on the end that can't be fed through the machine. At this point I find myself power cycling the machine constantly hoping the next time I hit print it will work not knowing if I fixed whatever logic filter needed fixing for it to start. Are there plans to handle alarms better?
  3. Ok, fixed this issue through some barrage of unplugging and replugging. Now that its recognized it just stopped with an ER80 mid print... Any solutions to this one?
  4. Hello, I'm having a problem with the air manager installation. I've installed it as directed with the correct plug. I've also tried using both plugs in the back of the fan. None of this causes the air manager to be recognized. After you click install air manager and the machine reboots, it always says air manager is not detected or was uninstalled. Printer has the latest firmware. I've checked all connections and they are correct What am I missing??? Thanks, Travis
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