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Everything posted by Buffdude

  1. Hey! I'm in the middle of re-calibrating my CR-10s. I'm following this guide: https://teachingtechyt.github.io/calibration.html#intro and ran into some weird issue and don't know what is causing it. I was at the "retraction tuning" section and when printing the model provided there, I noticed that the round shape is being printed weirdly like it has a lot of "corners" around it (thats the best I can describe it) so the surface is not smooth. I tried to print 3dbenchy and I can see the same problem when it's printing the front of the boat where is curvature. Skirt around the model seems to print without this problem. When the printer is at the curve it seems to slow down and it can be clearly seen and heard as the motors are going back and forth as it was trying to print multiple very small small corners or teeth around the round object and with the acceleration tuning model it is very clear because all it's doing is basically round shapes between two towers and it looks like it's printing a cog with alot of teeth (doing a bad job at it though as seen in the images). All I have done at this point in the calibration process is: Levelling the bed normally and via manual mesh bed levelling, calibrated the extruder E-steps, set new flow rate in Cura. Also I have set retraction distance to be 1mm because my printer has direct drive extruder and I have seen other people suggest value around there when using direct drive, but I dont see how this would cause the issue since it's not retracting there.
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