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Everything posted by Zeesa

  1. I just reformatted my SD card and it immediately fixed the problem! Thank you!
  2. I went back, rescaled the print a bit, and only fit 7 pieces onto the plate. I used Meshmixer for supports and to make it manifold, and tried to print... and bam. Same exact issue. The print head tries to go off again. Im about ready to just give up on this print, I have no idea why it keeps acting up when no other file has given me this much trouble. I haven't changed how I'm setting up the print at all from my other prints so I'm just lost why it keeps going awol. 1786662783_Dinraaltryagain.gcode 1114796484_dinraalstl.stl
  3. I had no idea! In Cura It told me it would only take 2 days to print too, so thats strange... I could try modifying the original stl again and see if that works? But if the file itself is just messed up, is there anything I can do about it? this is the original file Platter.stl
  4. I have a file that I prepped in Meshmixer, exported as an stl file to Cura, and sliced to download onto my drive. But, no mater what I try, the file does not print. The print head immediately goes to the far right of the belt and makes a grinding noise. I have checked settings on both my printer and Cura, and have even deleted and reinstalled Cura, but nothing works. My 3d printer isn't having any of these problems with my other files. My printer is an anet et5x. 731813933_AET5X_ahahaayitsyaboy.gcode
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