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Everything posted by brumbrum

  1. Found an option for this. Use support blocker and modify the settings for overlap. This way I managed to configure lower speed for the area overlapped by the support blocker. Though this is manual step for each new model being sliced. Not sure yet what is causing the observed results, but if this is common issue with insufficient cooling I suppose a fix can easily be applied. An option that reduce speed for small details that participate in larger layer would probably do the job.
  2. I have an issue that I'm unable to resolve. Looked over the internet, but couldn't find any approach for this. The issue is that part of the details is being printed very fast. Outer layers than inner layers one after another and there is no time to cool down. Extrusion flow and retractions are calibrated and they are not the reason for the issue I think. The detail with the issue is part of a big layer. Due to that fact the minimum layer time doesn't do the job. So I'm looking for mechanism to slow down only on that detail, not on the whole layer. Any advice would be appreciated.
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