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  1. Heck-I grew up with Big Daddy Garlits and the Rat Fink too! Regarding your screen shot---I played with the color and got about the same thing so I will spare you the image. I guess I am OK then---I thought the cross hatches on the top were symbolizing an Infill layer but I guess it means "Top" layer. I will get to the lab and do another print to see how it goes. Your help was really appreciated! Keep on Truck'n Fritz
  2. Ha`! Mr. Natural Icon? I see the layers in the Gcode as you say. But what am I seeing in the simulation then? Maybe I am misinterpreting the "mesh" looking appearance and this is indeed the top layer? I though there was a colour option to control the appearance but maybe I am thinking of fusion. Thanks! Fritz
  3. I am not sure if this is a Cura problem or one with my drafting software (I am using FUSION). When I do an actual (physical) print I see infill on the top - apparently no top layers are added. I have downloaded the STL crated by Fusion into Cura and when I Preview it the output appears to bear this out (e.g. no top layer). I am attaching the file. I know there are shell parameters and such that control this but I thought if the STL was proper Cura would generate a complete print. Any ideas appreciated thanks Fritz CE5_cubetest v6.3mf
  4. Thanks--that helps Tinkergnome. I deinstalled everything (including the old stuff that Creality installed) and I re-installed Cura from the ultimaker site. Now the menus match what you guys show and also I am able to see my support structures. I will read over the documents and do a few prints with Cura when I get down to the lab. cheers Fritz
  5. Thanks for the comment. The "someone" is apparently the creality3D vendor. Here is what I recall: 1) I loaded the product from their included thumbdrive recently. Naturally I expected it to be out of date. 2) so I chose their "update" option and what you see is what I got. 3) their "about" says this is the latest release. Probably latest from their perspective--if it works on that release of their machine I suppose they don't worry about it. But I don't see why they would not just point us to the Cura site. There are a lot of subtle things for 3D (and CNC) machining and I like to get the latest release and update documents so I know what is going on. I am a bit distressed by the "hidden parameter" thing however. I cannot really understand that. What I will do when I get a chance is to delete everything from my PC and install CURA directly from your website and then see how it goes. Thanks all for your patience Fritz
  6. "Support" on the L.H.S of the menu gives actual values for support types as options. so I didn't realize that this alludes to display only. I also didn't realize there were "hidden settings" but since there are, probably a menu system is not very useful. I don't know if there is a command line for this product. The clip that you display does not appear anywhere that I can see in my version of the program .Checking "about" does not show which version of the program is installed. All that said--I get a banner indicating that this version if for "creality 3D". So-I am guessing that Creality messed with the program to make their own version and your comments, while appreciated! probably cannot apply here. I could send you my STL but I guess it is the program-not the model that is the problem. I got down to the lab today and used Fusion to generate the G-code directly and it worked on the Creality printer. So probably this is the best approach. I appreciate you time on this--sorry for the confusion Fritz
  7. I had turned on "support" in the preferences. I think the left hand columns is redundant. At any rate it also shows "support" turned on as "touching buildplate".
  8. This is a "generic" problem not applicable to a particular design. I sketched up a simple STL to show an "overhang" --I want to display the supporting structures that were generated. I cannot get them to appear. I assume that 1) I need to turn on the "generate support" feature and I did 2) Need to turn on the display feature. I think I did this as shown in the screenshots Thanks Fritz
  9. I am new to Cura and this is my first post. I have read thru most of the doc and a lot makes sense. However I am trying to add supports to my object and then, trying to display these supports. I have "support" turned on in the preferences via the "defaults". I am playing with "layer view" and " Colour Scheme" and I see "Helpers" turned on but I still cannot see the supports, which I believe should be in light blue. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong? Thanks Fritz
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