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Posts posted by skygalleries

  1. Greetings!


    Recently set up a new printer and had a tough time getting the Z-offset perfect. I was using a BL touch. I was thinking if it does not already exist, how would I go about creating in Cura say  9 squares (3x3) all just a single layer thick, each one would print separately, but set each z height +0.5mm the previous. Then you'd let it print and based on the best square you could adjust your z offset. 


    My problem right now is I am getting very nice prints, but I can tell by my brim the fist layer is thicker than it should be.


    So, has anyone come across such an STL or Gcode, or how would I go about creating one? I can create the STL in Fusion  say with a 0.2mm height.  But how can I sett a different z height per square in Cura.





  2. Hello!


    I Right click object: Export as mesh and select 3dmf. I manually opening it in Cura. I realize the 0,0,0 origin in Fustion is most likely the center of your model. And Cura considers 0,0 as the left front corner.


    It would be nice if Cura had an option to import and center a 3dmf.  STLs come in fine.

  3. Greetings!


    Question: When I've exported from Fusion 360 as 3DMF the file comes in off the left front corner in Cura. Often extending below the bed. Any tips on getting Fusion's 3DMF files to play nice with Cura. I'm sticking with STL for now. STLs come in dead center and on top of the bed. 3DMF sometimes comes in below bed.


    I'll have double check. but I think when I did print the 3dmf, the size was not correct either.





  4. Cura 4.10


    So I have a really good set-up from a stock Ender 3. Now I have another Ender 3 running RepRap firmware. I need to create a different "printer" for that. Under Manage printers I can ADD, DELETE, RENAME, but I can't duplicate an existing configuration?


    If I just use my Current MARLIN flavor will there be issue running the G Code in RepRap firmware?

  5. So, While I was waiting, I thought I'd open the same file in PrusaSlicer (SuperSlicer). 


    It sliced it okay (I really don't know PrusaSlicer at all)


    But it says "Manifold: Auto Repaired (192 errors)


    So, I'm guessing I chose a bad Vase model to start with.

  6. Hello!


    The model is on thingiverse here


    (STL attached)


    The Author had a special version for 1mm nozzles.  I've since tried 2 things. Turned off Spiralize, And was told to turn on PRINT THIN WALLS under SHELL.  Still looks crappy.


    I wanted to print those beautiful Spiral vases with transparent filament with the Thick layer lines. I'm surer you've seen that.



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