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Posts posted by Amazon62

  1. Hi,


    All of a sudden I have this weird problem. When I slice a model in Cura (5.3.0 + Xmas), the dimensions are ok and scaling is 100%. But when I print on my Ender 5 via Octoprint and Pi4 the actual printed model is 5mm bigger. Last time I printed (week ago) it was just fine.

    Maybe someone knows where to look? 



    - Scale is 100% and dimensions are ok in Cura when sliced

    - converted in mm and sliced in mm

    - when printed overall design is 5mm bigger

    - All is tightened and checked on printer (Steps are correct)

    - Printing with Cura 530 + Xmas and send to printer with Pi4 and octoprint.





  2. Hi,


    Just fired up an old Ultimaker Original from my son's school to fix the extruder and thought to run an update via Cura. But now it is stuck in a blank screen (only blockes shown).

    Argh, typical "why did I do that??".

    Can someone provide me with an original firmware (build) file? I tried to build one in Visual Studio from Marlin V1 firmware, but somehow I get errors. It's beyond my knowledge what is wrong.



  3. Hi,


    Although I'm not new in 3D printing, I am a bit of a noob with gcodes editing. 

    Now I'm running into a "problem". At the end of the print, I set the printer to retract 25mm filament (that much because I use a E3D Revo Micro).

    So now I need to purge 25mm before starting the first test extrusion line (dont have the correct name for it). I was searching for this, because it is not a rare thing to do, but everybody uses G-codes in their start codes, but mine only shows M-codes. See below. So I'm confused what to do now.... Can someone help me adding the purge 25mm Gcode? Thanks!


    M201 X500.00 Y500.00 Z100.00 E5000.00 ;Setup machine max acceleration

    M203 X500.00 Y500.00 Z10.00 E50.00 ;Setup machine max feedrate

    M204 P500.00 R1000.00 T500.00 ;Setup Print/Retract/Travel acceleration

    M205 X8.00 Y8.00 Z0.40 E5.00 ;Setup Jerk

    M220 S100 ;Reset Feedrate

    M221 S100 ;Reset Flowrate


    Printer: Ender 5

    Cura 4.11

    Firmware: Th3d unified 2

  4. Hi,


    Since I use the new version Cura 4.11, I'm getting a lot of Z seams on my print. Before there was only 1 seam (start of the new layer), but now I'm getting them at every end of an inner rib. See picture. It looks like the nozzle shoots a bit further outside the product, creating those seams. 

    Anyone knows how to fix this? I tried several settings (combing, different Z seam options, lowered speed).



    2021-10-11 19_45_43-Window.jpg

    2021-10-11 19.06.05.jpg

  5. 15 hours ago, gr5 said:

    I think maybe there is a feature in Marlin (on your creality printer) that moves the head away from the print and triggers a digital signal - the idea is to take a photograph after each layer to make a stop motion video.  I'm thinking you have that feature enabled on your printer.


    Maybe you are partly right then, but need to focus on Octoprint instead of the printer. Maybe octolapse is to blame (causes more problems to be honest). 


    Edit: Well, problem solved! I disabled Octolapse and it does not go to the center everytime. This it is indeed for the timelapse (stop motion), to keep the printer head from moving in the timelapse video.


    Sorry that I didnt mention the use of Octoprint before, maybe it could saved us some discussions. Anyways, many thanks for the assistance!!

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  6. 15 hours ago, gr5 said:

    I think maybe there is a feature in Marlin (on your creality printer) that moves the head away from the print and triggers a digital signal - the idea is to take a photograph after each layer to make a stop motion video.  I'm thinking you have that feature enabled on your printer.





    I checked the printers menu, but I can't really see something. I checked in sub folder 'motion', but can't see an option that could trigger this.. Btw, I use Pi4 and octoprint, so not from SD card. Maybe I can try to print directly from the printer SD and see if that makes a difference. Maybe octoprint causes this?

  7. 17 hours ago, GregValiant said:

    I don't think that's the same gcode file.  To troubleshoot gcode files I read them into AutoCad to take Cura out of the loop.  The problem moves aren't in the gcode.

    Can you double check that you posted the correct file?  It would be extremely odd if the printer just decided to go somewhere by itself on every layer change and then return to printing.  I have no idea how it could do that.  That looks like an Ender 5 and the motherboard and firmware are close enough to my Ender 3 Pro that I'm pretty familiar with it.


    Here is a screenshot of the file in AutoCad.  Every line in the Gcode file is there.  Travel lines (G0 moves) are magenta and you can see that there are only a couple of them that cross over between the parts.  There is no running back and forth to the centerline of the build plate.  This is exactly the same as it looks when opened in Cura.









    Thanks for the effort! I reproduced the G-code with special mode 'one at a time' checked, but when I open the G-code it does not show that special mode in the preview! So the G-code is correct, but not showing correctly in Cura. When I slice it and then check the preview, it does show, but not the movement to the center.

  8. Hi there,


    First time here (beside Thingiverse), so nice to meet you!


    My question/problem is a bit difficult to explain, but I'll try. 


    When I print multiple parts with the setting 'Special Mode - Print Sequence - Once at a time', the print head will move to the center of the bed after each layer. This only happens with the first part. Why is it doing that and how can I change it so it won't happen? 


    The advantage of 'Once at a time' is that there is no stringing between parts (especially with PET-G), but now it will sting to the center of the bed with that first part.



    ezgif.com-gif-maker (1).gif

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