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Everything posted by chdgriff

  1. I'm using Cura v4.10.0 and trying to print this chain link but they have these divides within the links. File link: spiral_chain_30_links_0.5m.stl : https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4870061 It's not the z-seam as changing the location to random does nothing other than move the seams and the hexagons do not seem to correspond to their location. I did notice that if I look at the model before I slice it, they are these hexagonal faces. The stl preview is able to correctly render the shape but the slicer tries to print it. Is this a bug and is there any way to workaround it? Stl view seems to be correctly rendered You can see the internal hexagons that were maybe used to create the original chain shapes? The slicer then divides each chain where the hexagon was instead of just printing the solid object.
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