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Posts posted by achsmith

  1. Carbon, yes, but why do some clever, clever and expert people just not use the KISS principle.  State the reason and then give the references instead of trying to demean someone.  Obviously I looked in the wrong place or I wouldn't have asked the question, would I? The answer by Carla was exactly what was needed, succinct, to the point and correct, but thank you for bothering anyway.  Issue appears to be resolved.

  2. For the last week every time I print for more than a couple of hours, the Bowden tube leading to Print head 1 is dislodged and filament continues to be driven but does not extrude.

    I assume that this is a problem at the hot end, so I have done the maintenance with hot and cold pulls and all appears good.  It isn't just one filament it has been various but all are Ultimaker PLA.  What am I doing wrong?  Image is on its side, not sure how to fix that, sorry.


  3. Is there a glossary of all the error codes and messages in one place as that would be an easy reference in addition to the qcodes that pop up?


    For example I had a "height mismatch" error and quickest way to find what it was about was google, but a well constructed, structured and searchable database would be great.


    If there is one, no doubt I will be told about it, but if there is then it isnt very well publicised!



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