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Posts posted by fabioribeiro

  1. Hello!

    First of all I am not sure if I was supposed to open a new topic since I have pretty much the same issue, so I thought it would be better to get help from here instead of opening a new similar thread.


    We have an Ultimaker Connect 2+ here and we are facing issues to connect to the internet.


    I manage to connect to the wifi, it says that everything went well, i have an ip address etc, But as soon as I press the Digital Factory option it says that I have no connection.

    Similarly, I also tested with an ethernet cable, and it happens pretty much the same... ip address ok, but same error when clicking on the button.


    I have also tried to factory reset the printer and re-try everything but I got the same result

    The network here is very simple actually, the firewall that could possibly block something is already set to allow the printers we have here, so I don't know what to do =/

  2. 26 minutes ago, elnadav12 said:

    Seems like your feeder tension is too high. Check that the indicator is in the middle. Should look like this:



    Cleaning the feeder is really easy. It looks like this inside:



    Oh that's definitely the cause of the problem!

    I just opened and it's a total mess. I am attaching the photos =). I will try to repair it and i will get back here for the results.



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  3. On 12/2/2022 at 10:15 PM, elnadav12 said:

    Looks like severe under extrusion...

    What are your print settings? (temp, speed, layer height etc...)

    Have you tried cleaning your nozzle?



    Hey elnadav12. Thanks for answering!


    About the print settings: I don't really go deep on it, I'm always around the "recommended" tab on Cura. For this piece, layer height was the 'normal' option (0.15mm) and infill 30% with support. All the rest were handled by Cura.


    The nozzle was cleaned also, but we have a brand new one here, we will try to change it and test it!


    Also I noticed that the material that is inside the printer is always coming out with some sort of scratches on its surface, and even some of it falls, in a powder level almost every time i change it, falling from inside the feeder. Maybe this is where the issue are!? I will try to open it and check it, but I am afraid to mess it even more.


    Do you know if I can find an image of the feeder opened? I would like to check for reference!

  4. Hello everyone!


    I am creating this topic because I need help to find out the reason of the problems I am having.


    One of the printers (Ultimaker Connect 2+) where I work started to give bad printing results, the pieces have little to no resistance at all.


    It suddenly started though, no updates were done, no modifications, nothing. It was fine one day, and then it was not anymore. So I really don't know what it could possibly be the cause. Even the adhesion things, such as brim, skirt etc are coming out weird.


    For the moment the only way to have a chance of having a decent piece is choosing 100% infill and still we have to be lucky, plus the time taken to print is increased also.


    I am attaching the result of the last print that we tried to do. These pieces were supposed to have some sort of resistance, but they broke just by holding it a little bit stronger than a normal grip...


    The material is Ultimaker Though PLA, we use it either Tough PLA or PLA only. 


    Thanks already in advance 😃


  5. On 12/3/2021 at 4:21 PM, CarloK said:

    Same, same but different.

    Sorry for the silly joke, but you say the printer is printing a few models correctly, and then one other file fails. You think the situation is identical, but perhaps we can help you verify this?

    You mention it fails with 'this problem'. I assume you refer to the topic of this thread, the printer showing an error message "One material appears to be empty"?

    What material (type and brand) are you printing with?
    The files that were printing correctly, were those printing the exact same material and color as the print that is failing?
    Is it possible for you to share your Cura project? From Cura select "File/Save as project" and post this 3mf-file on the forum. By doing so we can verify all the settings you've used.


    Hello CarloK!


    I'm really sorry for the late answer! But help is still needed because the error still happen haha


    Let me update you about what happened and what I could see since I commented:


    I managed to print this so wanted file but only with the flow sensor off.


    Simple shapes work just fine, this error happens when the complexity of the piece increases.


    I use PLA Black for the extruder 1 and Natural PVA for the second one, brand ultimaker. it says that the lack of material comes from extruder 1. I have other materials also like ABS Silver, ABS White, PLA red and PLA white, all from ultimaker also, but these 3 ones are more used on the other printer we have here (Ultimaker 2 Connect+).




    I somehow answered some of your questions but just to better organize:


    You mention it fails with 'this problem'. I assume you refer to the topic of this thread, the printer showing an error message "One material appears to be empty"?


    Yes! But now it says clearly that it comes from the extruder 1!


    What material (type and brand) are you printing with?


    PLA Black and Natural PVA from Ultimaker.

    The files that were printing correctly, were those printing the exact same material and color as the print that is failing?


    Yes, same material and settings also.

    Is it possible for you to share your Cura project? From Cura select "File/Save as project" and post this 3mf-file on the forum. By doing so we can verify all the settings you've used.





    I'd like also to already attach another project I did that had the same problem also. It is a designed piece for supporting the case along with a camera to attach on a robot. I have tried to print this on both S5 and 2 Connect+ and failed also (ABS White for 2 Connect+). The S5 gave me this lack of material error, and the 2 connect finished the print but full of flaws, missing layers etc.



    Thank you in advance. Hope I could explain correctly.




    UM2C_Support for the wifi bot jetson xavier.3mf UMS5_jetson-case.3mf UMS5_Support for the wifi bot jetson xavier.3mf

  6. Hello!


    I'm brand new to this world of 3D printing and I started to face this problem while printing a case for a nvidia jetson xavier. Interesting though that all other prints worked out very fine with the same configurations on Cura, EXCEPT this one.


    Funny thing also is that another case was printed with exactly the same configs and everything went just fine, but another file though.


    I don't really know what to do... Every other print works fine, but I really want to print this one.

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