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  1. Hi Guys, I reinstalled Cura 4.7 some days ago due to appdata issues. Maybe that was the root cause of the phantom G29. I guess when i reinstalled it last time, and used it to generate the Gcode posted above, the program was still broken/ not installed correctly. Since wiping the profile i used on this computer I believe the issue was having regarding G29 is now resolved. To confirm, i created a new printer from dropdown list within cura, behold the G29 auto level is visible in start up Gcode. To back track I asked a friend of mine whom uses this computer as well and found they had done a bunch of things to cura but could not remember everything that was done. Once i found that out i just wiped the computer profile and made a new one. Im sure the roaming domain profile used on this computer was corrupted and caused issues. I mean i couldn't even set a desktop background image on the pc. Looking into that just re-enforced my idea of a broken profile. Since the user data and users appdata is stored on a server and not the PC i think this could have been the issue. Other than that i have no clue as this is working for me now. I can see the G29 code in startup gcode in version 4.7. It would be pintless to share my profile now as its working just fine. But next tie i will do just that. So to sum up, my solution to the original issue i was having when posting here is to remove the G29 command from startup gcode in cura version 4.7 and above. I feel bad now as my issues where computer/network related and not so much cura software. Thanks so much for your time and effort in assisting me. I have a few questions regarding cura update process: Do the definitions get overwritten during a cura update? what kind of settings are stored in appdata? Kind regards,
  2. Hiya GregVailiant, I haven't gone in-depth with this due to time, But taking in what you have said and what i have seen it is starting to make sense. I have ABL on my cr10s pro using tinymachines firmware. I found no line of code for the G29 in my start-up code in cura printer settings ("Settings | Printer | Manage Printers | Machine Settings") this is true for both a newly created printer config or the old printer config loaded with the .3mf file i saved many moons ago. I also reinstalled cura from the ground up early this month. So im not sure why purge lines are missing or why my code would be altered as it should be default. But still when creating the gcode with the newly created cr10s pro config i still get the ABL code G29, Maybe this is an overwrite from a definition i have somewhere, i haven't investigated or learnt anything about that yet but from what your saying this could be the case. I suspect in my case over time the printer configs have been updated as cura improved and as a result i now have the abl command generated in the gcode. Ive never edited any of the definition files so i guess this ABL feature was added to cura profile later? I think if i load an old 3mf file and select 'update' then .3mf file updates currently loaded printer settings in cura (if it is the same printer name) or adds a new printer if the currently loaded printer name does not match the printer name that has been created with in the .3mf file. ) Also i have issues with cura atm as it will not hold my printer profiles/configs created in appdata. This will be due to the domain network im on or some element that is broken in folder redirection or some corrupt file somewhere in appdate. Either way this kinda works for me as i now just save the printer profile i want as a .3mf file and load it in as new printer every time i want to use it since no other printer exists in cura when i load it up (yes it acts like it never been opened before, i have attempted to fix it a few times but no i cba). Currently cura works for me and stops all the printer profiles from building up when im working. My takeway from this is: i have a new install of cura. If creating a new profile for the crs10 pro - G29 auto level will be added by default. It will not appear in cura's printer settings under startup code. I think G29 gets added in or part of the gcode is overwritten by these base definitions you mention. does make sense and im sure these definitions will be used to build the frame work for the gcode. Start and end. i guess cura's gcode start and end windows allows you to add commands in addition before generating gcode. In the past i believe the G29 command was not automatically added or was never implemented at the time. So when creating a .3mf file in the past Cura would also save a definition that the file references when building gcode. I guess that's why i see the difference between my old and new printer profiles For now i use a work around in cura using post processing scripts to remove the G29 code automatically or just load up my old 3mf file. Either way its nice to know what's going on even if it can not be solved directly. Thanks for your time and effort on this one GregVilliant 🙂
  3. Hi, looking over this i thought i add a few things This issue happened a while ago to a cr10s pro i have. I never made the connection to Cura at the time, But i have noticed more and more features being added that has unfortunately hindered my production in the past. However with time and research its possible to workaround the issues. However i would like to address the root cause of the issue. or at least point out to someone with the ability to correct/address some of the issues like this one that Cura slicer brings now. (Cura dev team) The issue here being the auto bed level command that gets added to each gcode file effecting cr10s since version 4.6. m sure this will effect over printers with marlin 1.1.9 and a mesh bed level system. When having this problem i checked start Gcode, i was looking for the G29 command but couldn't find it within the printer settings in cura. I was prepared to just manually edit the Gcode each time after slicing but before the print. However i found an old profile that i was able to use (thankfully i save my profiles as files externally to Cura so all i have to do is open up the file and tweak settings as and when i need to. Best way imo) I save the project as a 3mf file. One of these files had a profile i made back in Cura v4.6, when slicing with this profile using the cr10s printer settings. (also loaded in using the 3mf file - an option to update the current printer settings appears when opening this file) very useful! Once i sliced using this old profile i saved my gcode and inspected it. - i found no auto levelling command! excellent i thought. Settings must be in the profile within Cura. - i created a bran new profile within newest version of cura and tested. - still got the autoleveling command there as suspected. I realised that somewhere in my old Cura profile it does not add autolevel command G29. I discovered new profiles within Cura 4.7 or above will just automatically add the G29 (auto level) command to the gcode when slicing. I found no hint of a auto level setting within Cura profile settings so i suspect its a hidden function called by the profile when slicing. Since we cannot see the full extent of code in Cura's profiles we cannot edit out the auto level function. The only solution i could find in the time i gave myself was to manually remove the command from gcode after slicing or use my old Cura profile created in cura 4.6 or below to do the slicing as this left out the g29 command. Also i had another issue when my printer would pause between sequential prints, turns out Cura was adding a wait for bed temp command, pointless as i already was a the correct them, all this achieved was some ooze to poor out and ruin the next object. I have to manually remove this command too. Again another settings that cannot be changed in curas anywhere. Considering Cura is meant to be granular, i seem to be noticing some issues with how the gcode is generated - that i would like more control of. Commands to look out for in your gcode file. M190 S60 - wait for bed temp - if doing sequential prints you only need one of these at the start. delete the rest. G29 ;Auto bed Level - This will need to be removed - thankfully only the one command unlike the above command. (or use a script like GregValiant mentioned above) If anyone has a better solution please let me know. Kind regards, Lit GregValiant here is a copy of the new gcode Cura makes with a new profile for the cr10s: I've only added the first 30lines of code so you can see the stage G32 code is added. ;FLAVOR:Marlin ;TIME:7275 ;Filament used: 3.23418m ;Layer height: 0.2 ;MINX:57.546 ;MINY:51.99 ;MINZ:0.2 ;MAXX:259.945 ;MAXY:238.344 ;MAXZ:24.102 ;Generated with Cura_SteamEngine 4.7.1 M140 S70 M105 M190 S70 M104 S200 M105 M109 S200 M82 ;absolute extrusion mode M201 X500.00 Y500.00 Z100.00 E5000.00 ;Setup machine max acceleration M203 X500.00 Y500.00 Z10.00 E50.00 ;Setup machine max feedrate M204 P500.00 R1000.00 T500.00 ;Setup Print/Retract/Travel acceleration M205 X8.00 Y8.00 Z0.40 E5.00 ;Setup Jerk M220 S100 ;Reset Feedrate M221 S100 ;Reset Flowrate G28 ;Home G29 ;Auto bed Level G92 E0 ;Reset Extruder G1 Z2.0 F3000 ;Move Z Axis up G1 X10.1 Y20 Z0.28 F5000.0 ;Move to start position
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