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Everything posted by Sonic3389

  1. yup, this is recessed text. I found the min text height I could use was around the 5.6-5.8mm mark with a 0.8mm nozzle.
  2. Yeah a smaller nozzle would help for sure, im using 0.8mm, but I think I've been able to make it work. I can't change the piece orientation as you've guessed, if I need to add more text in future and make it smaller I'll try Thin Walls or a smaller nozzle. thanks again.
  3. Thanks a lot for this tip, for now I've just increased the size of the text and repositioned it so it still fits on the piece. I may experiment with this in future as its likely I might want to add more text later.
  4. haha title wording could prob have been better sure, just didn't know how to describe it. But you're answer was correct, it seems the details are too small so Cura is just cutting them out, not something I've seen before in my 4 years of using Cura. Thanks v.much!
  5. So this is a new one, I've got a model with some embossed text on it. When I add the STL into Cura in the prep view it looks fine, then I slice and the preview page has random parts of the text missing? This is reflected in the gcode and print... I've tried to show pics as best I can.
  6. I think you're right about it being a combing move, I think I managed to re-create the issue with another STL but the infill areas on this are very small so its really hard to see the movement in the preview as its such a fast and small movement. I'm using "not in skin" which I think was the default, I had noticed in general my movements seem to be long and overly complex a lot of the time. I changed it to "within infill" and the movements seem much better and the print time went down. I've got a lot of unique parts I'm printing over the next few days so I'll check each one to try and find a good example of the problem which I can use to export the 3mf.
  7. It gets even weirder, I just opened the exact same STL and applied the exact same profile and I don't see the issue in the preview this time. I've have had this problem with different STL's though, it seems the Cura issue is maybe random? The next time the issue occurs I'll export and post the 3mf as you suggested.
  8. I've got a strange issue, Cura started doing this after an upgrade, I think it was after updating to v5.2 but I still have the issue in v5.3 and v5.3.1. It seems Cura is adding some kind of long movement along my walls after each single line is extruded for infill, its causing prints to take WAY longer than they should and also causing some quality issues. I've made a video of this issue here, would appreciate any help:
  9. Thanks GV, I've attached my gcode - it's not exactly the same as the object in the photo as I don't have that gcode any more, that was a smaller test print of a larger object. I've attached the gcode for the new object though the Cura settings are all exactly the same. Just the object is longer now. Z-hops are off, I've not touched this since installing Cura, the x-axis is solid, no wobbles or jams in anything there. I'll take a look at the Y axis rods etc though in general the print quality is perfect, the sides of the prints are 100% fine its only the top layer(s) I'm having this issue with. Markus.gcode
  10. Hi Guys, Recently switched from S3D to Cura and getting vastly better prints now, PETG stuff came out just amazing - however on PLA I've had a bit of an issue. I print on 1mm nozzles as my prints are always large functional parts and I had something I've not experienced before, in the same print one top layer was over extruded and another was under extruded. I have attached an example, you can see the upper part of the piece is over extruded, and the lower part is under extruded. I can't see any settings in Cura that might help with this, does anyone have any suggestions please? I'm printing on a Creality CR-10s Pro v2.
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