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Everything posted by mprenter

  1. Thanks for all your input. I think I'm better off now. Instead of a gap between perimeters I now get a bulge like everyone else. Now I can see about trying to reduce that. 🙂 Feels a bit like I'm trading one problem for another. Thanks again!!!
  2. Boy I seem to have nothing but trouble. So I tried putting some black marker on my extruder gear and tensioner and while watching them extrude found that the tension pully was slipping. I tried tighting the tension but ended up installing my stock (plastic) Creality extruder tensioner again. Then I calibrated my esteps again, also extruding into thin air. I get exactly 100mm now when I extrude 100mm. So next I printed a cube with only 1 perimeter. My understanding is that I should now be getting "close" to a 0.4mm line width, but I'm not. I'm getting like 0.52mm. So I would have to reduce the flow to like 77% which still seems wrong.
  3. Thanks so much for replying. I REALLY appreciate the technical input. Your "lack of pressure in the nozzle" theory would make complete sense with the symptoms I am seeing. I went back to my eSteps and I'm getting some odd results. How repeatable should the extrusion be? I'm extruding 100mm with the bowden disconnected so I'm just extruding into thin air. Sometimes I get 99mm, sometimes I get 100.6mm.
  4. Thanks for your help!! I switched to version 5 of Cura and the little gaps (seams) are still there, only the locations have changed. CE5P_Hose Connector.3mf
  5. I'd like to bump this topic. I'm having the same issue with an Ender 5 Plus. It's small gaps at the seam of a perimeter, but it's not a Z seam. For my object, which is very similar in shape to yours, it draws the perimeters from inside to outside, then after completing the outer most perimeter, it crosses back to the middle to do the infill. It's like there is coasting or something turned on, but it's not. Very frustrating and I have not been able to figure out a solution. Most people seem to have a bulge at the seam, I have a dip.
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