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Posts posted by FreedomFireArms

  1. I also used the Kingroon Official YT Channel and leveled it with the paper from a sketchbook, just everything outside that was done per this video-- I've made a new thread for my software issues, thank you very much for your assistance in trying to get my first print accomplished!

  2. When I first opened up my Kingroon KP3SPro it suggested I use the firmware from Ultimaker Cura and have never had any issues opening up and runnning the program before yesterday 12/10/22, I've been endlessly troubleshooting my printer to get it to work and now that I'm ready to test the calibration with a print I can no longer open up the Ultimaker Cura program and it just endlessly load with no hope of ever responding. I have restarted my computer multiple times as well as reinstalled the program twice, I'll try a different version but I'm really quite baffled as to how this could've happened as nothing has changed and I had no issues prior to yesterday operating this program

  3. Since utilizing your instrumental help to slice the .stl file, I've since had to take apart the extruder and checkout the motherboard to update the firmware and complete the blockage in my extruder. Everything is factory and the motor definitely works, I'm ready to try and print a calibration test plate as per the attached video-- but now Ultimaker Cura refuses to work on my PC for some reason despite multiple reinstallations, PC reboots and temp file cleanups. Could you please assist me in (hopefully) the last hurdle before my first print?

  4. Thank you SO MUCH for your help Greg, I really really appreciate it and you were detrimental to my first ever print!! I did what you said in terms of skirt settings and that was exactly the issue, I was able to slice it easily as soon as I changed it to 0.5mm-- is that okay or is it too small?

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