Hi MariMakes,
It isn't like that. Despite being coincidental to the use of the lay flat function, the problem is totally different. In fact, the model did not change orientation after the lay flat function operation. It seemed flat to begin with and nothing visibly changed except the ability to rotate the whole model around the z axis. I am attaching the stl file, but I don't think it will help because I re-extracted a fresh version of the stl file thinking that the first version had been corrupted, but the problem persisted right from the start without using lay flat the second time around. It seems like the only fix would be to re-install Cura, but I don't yet know if it's worth the trouble. I ended up slicing the model and printing with success without the minor mod that would have been possible if I had been able to rotate as desired. Obviously, you know waaaayyyy more about this than I do, so fingers crossed that you will see a simple tweak. Thanks for trying to help!! FWIW, I searched as best I could for similar situation on the web, to no avail. I am new to this stuff, so if I'm using the wrong terminology, please feel free to correct me :-)