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Posts posted by Jpileggi

  1. So it's not the bed. I reprinted the same gcode file that produced the good resulting part in the pic above, and it printed fine. When I reslice that part file with my current profile, I get the mess shown above. I may have modified the profile from good part to bad part, but I don't know what changes may have been made. Am I correct in assuming there is no way to identify all the parameters of the profile simply from the gcode file?

  2. What would cause the first layer to look like this? I am printing on clear glass. The lines should be straight horizontally, yet portions of the lines are offset. This profile printed perfectly previously as can be seen in the right hand piece in the second picture. Just prior to printing, I washed the glass, wiped down with isopropyl alcohol, and then sprayed lightly with hair spray. The piece feels smooth; just looks horrible. Thanks.


  3. Bingo, that's it!. If I turn adaptive layers off in the dynamic profile, it shows 24 layers (3.88 mm). If I turn it back, I'm back to 19 layers. So why is adaptive layers on as a default for the dynamic profile, but not for the others? That is really annoying - I had no idea.


    Also, my part is actually coming out small on the .150" portion (.139" actual), but the overall height of the part is correct.


    Hey, thanks for the ton of work that you put into this! Great detective work!

  4. I am running Cura version 5.1.0. When I slice a Fusion 360 model with the dynamic quality (0.2 initial layer height, 0.16 layer height) profile selected, I get 19 layers for a model thickness of 3.81 mm. So 0.2 + 18 layers x 0.16 = 3.08 mm, or 0.73 mm short. I should be getting at least 22 layers. But if I slice with super, standard, or low quality profiles, I get the correct number of layers. Any thoughts? Is this a bug that has been fixed in subsequent releases? Thanks.

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