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Everything posted by Schmordan

  1. I was trying to update the screen files on my Ender 3 V2, and it wasn't working. with no luck with the DWIN_SET file name, I changed it to PRIVATE and now the screen is just black!! the website I followed: https://3dprinterly.com/how-to-upgrade-ender-3-v2-screen-firmware-marlin-mriscoc-jyers/#1-search-and-download-the-right-ender-3-v2-upgrade-firmware I did the most stupid move in the world and I think i broke my Ender 3 V2 PLEASE HELP!!
  2. I already have it installed and all the z offsets are 0 🫤 At least I think...
  3. So I kinda found a solution. on the Ender 3 V2 itself, in Prepare > Manual Levelling and the last setting, you can set the z height for levelling the print bed. but I still want to fix the z offset in cura though.
  4. Sorry, I meant 0.20 mm! I don't have the 'Auto-Home' option on my printer as I've stated in the first post, but when I select the 'Manual Levelling' menu item, the z position is 0.00 mm. The gcode file: CE3E3V2_squareslider.gcode
  5. Thanks for replying! In the Cura slicer, my print is touching the build plate, shown with the blue colour:
  6. I think Cura is adding 20 mm to the initial z hight, but I don't know how to fix it. sorry for posting so many times!
  7. All my Cura z offsets are set to 0, and so are the z offsets on the actual Ender 3 V2 machine. My Ender 3 V2 levels at 0 mm, making it inaccurate when printing, as the initial layer starts at 20 mm high. Should I just reset the machine firmware, or am I doing something wrong?
  8. On my Ender 3 V2, the nozzle starts higher than when levelling. The printer adds another 20 mm to the nozzle height, making the filament not stick to the bed. The printer needs to be re-levelled while printing the skirt. I use the Jyers firmware, have a 4.2.2 mainboard and don't have any auto levelling on my printer. I haven't encountered this problem before and found nothing online. any help is appreciated! 🙂
  9. My printer has been doing stuff like this on flat walls irregularly, but I’ve had this problem for a while and I’m wondering if it’s a problem with flow or something. Any thoughts would be helpful! 🙂
  10. Thanks for replying! I have some knowledge of what elephant foot is in 3D prints, and I think that it only happens on the bottoms of prints. Also the bottom and top of the print are the right size, it’s just the middle. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
  11. Helloooo? Can someone help me please?
  12. I just measured the print with some digital callipers and checked the dimensions of the model. It turns out that the lips is the correct size, and the rest of the print is actually about 0.5 mm smaller. This is so confusing 🙁
  13. When my print finished, I noticed a rather sharp lip that was on my 3d print. It's kinda hard to describe, but it started when the printer printed a part of the model that had a space inside.
  14. I'm trying to print an f22 raptor, but when I sliced my model, I saw chunks taken out of the model. I'm printing with 0.15 layer height and scaled the model to 800 %, as the model was shrunk, probably due to a file conversion error made by the person who modelled it. In this image, you can see the dark grey areas where the model is, and the red part is what is sliced. the file:f22fdm.stl
  15. I also think this 'zebra pattern' is related to under extrusion too. But it also was only on the supports, so yay??? The stringing you see is from a (Very annoying) layer shift.
  16. I unscrewed the nozzle and took out the plastic gunk in there. I also think because I set my layer height AND initial layer height to 0.16, the printer printed it above my printing bed, as it was levelled to 2.0 mm. The problem was semi resolved, but still kind of under extruded on the skirt. Thanks for the support!
  17. Thanks for replying! 🙂 I've used a metal feeler gauge to level my bed and I think that my bed is flat after 4 tests. The string with little beads on it is actually thinner than 0.16, the resolution I'm printing in, and isn't reaching the bed. as you can see on the bottom left of the failed print, that it extruded just fine. but after about 3 or 4 cm it start not extruding as much anymore.
  18. I've also tried checking the extruder gear and nozzle temperature, but nothing seems to work. Please help!
  19. When I start a print on my Ender 3 V2 , it barely extrudes any filament, causing a thin string which isn't touching my perfectly levelled bed, and tiny little beads on the string. For some reason, the filament extruded on the side of the printing bed is extruded perfectly, so I think it might be a software issue, but I'm not sure. This is weird, as I've printed just okay at other times. Thin Strings and Beads: The Whole Failed Print: The Filament being Printed On the Side:
  20. I think I've found the issue! For some reason, I've only been checking the y axis belt left and right, but I lifted it up and there was a lot of slack. I'll try printing and update you if it works.
  21. Alright, thanks for all the help thus far! I'll try to find a Creality forum and see if they can help me solve the issue. Thanks for replying though. 🙂
  22. I don't know how to describe it, but before a print starts, the printer extrudes some filament on the right side of the printer and then starts printing. I assume that it's to get the filament going through the nozzle, but when I printed with your settings, it dragged some filament over to the print as well, as you can see in the image above. I'm really confused. 🫤
  23. I tried printing with your settings and printer, but the same thing happened.
  24. I don't really know how to describe it, but I'm experiencing an issue where on opposing ends of the print, the walls are being printed further away from each other than normal. I'm a bit new to printing, so please help! file: fidgetringedited.3mf In the inner circle, you can see at the top right and bottom left, the walls separate. The blob is caused by me stopping the print. I'm using an Ender 3 V2 and Cura 5.2.2.
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