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Everything posted by Aardwolf_Productions

  1. Hi! I just figured I'd share the first print I ever made posing with my bearded dragon. I feel like it turned out pretty well! If anybody wants to print the same item, the stl is available from MatMireMakes on Etsy.
  2. Hello! I am working on printing my second ever item on my Ender 5 plus, and I ran into a bit of an issue when slicing the object. It is a larger item (estimated 320 grams filament, 40+ hour project). I tried to add tree supports, but they didn't show up in either the prepare or preview phases. I have the "helper" box checked for color in the preview phase as well, but still nothing. I know that the print needs supports, as there are multiple hollow areas that are outlined in red by the system and flagged for support. I'll post screenshots of what I have so far; I would really appreciate it if somebody could help me understand what I need to do to fix this. There were a few boxes that were already filled with a value of 0, but I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it. I tried putting a positive value into some of these boxes and got no result. Thanks guys! Sorry if this is an easy fix; I am very new to this and am not quite sure how to use the program yet.
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