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Everything posted by UMFrankR

  1. ... and what is "Preferences/Configure Cura.../Material" for? how does this materials database is influencing cura settings? thank you in advance br Frank
  2. hello, could somebody explain me, where, when and how cura settings are stored? i´m totally confused? i thought settings are stored in a saved profile, but SettingVisibility seems not to be stored in profiles? so visibilty changes from time to time (but setting values wherer kept), but i don´t understand why? And i lost my edited start and end g-code settings sometimes? and what is loaded when i use "File/New Project..."? is there a Project Template, if yes how to save it? i expect to start allways with the same bunch of settings, visibilty, but it is changed sometimes...? and i expect, when selecting a saved profile i will come back to any saved combination of settings/visibility and behavious of cura? thank you in advance br Frank PS: btw the link proposed in start post does not work https://support.ultimaker.com/hc/en-us/sections/360003548619-Print-settings?_gl=1*bxwz3y*_ga*NzYyOTk3NjE5LjE2Njk1NzQwMjA.*_ga_JHX8W909G8*MTY4MDM2NjY3OC4xNi4xLjE2ODAzNjk3ODYuNjAuMC4w
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