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Posts posted by ruttger

  1. Thanks a lot for your replies!


    @CarloK I've checked the sensor for the build volume at the top, which seems to be fine. I need to try with a magnet later. 


    On 6/17/2023 at 11:18 PM, CarloK said:

    In the log files I see the printer rebooting a few times, but there is no clue as to why it stopped. 


    Thanks for checking the error log.


    In the mean time I've also replaced the PT100B temperature sensor.


    After that, the printer worked for about 10 minutes again. The print bed + print head moved to their starting points when starting the printer. Also the nozzle heated up via the menu. And the 'build volume temperature' in the 'diagnostics' menu was normal (I think something like 25°C). I even restarted the printer and it still did work like it should.


    So I decided to lubricate the axles (as it was needed according to the maintenance schedule) before I started a print.


    But after that (maybe 15 minutes) it suddenly didn't work anymore: nozzle couldn't be heated anymore, 'move build plate' didn't work anymore through the menu and the 'build volume temperature' was about 230°C, but not 700°C,  don't know why this changed.


    Because everything works fine for a short while, I feel like it's nothing with the hardware? Could it be in the software? Any other ideas?



  2. Thank you for your extended response.


    About the sensors, the heat sensor measures 29°C (which could be right because the outside weather is quite warm). Also when I warm it up with a heat gun, it measures higher temperatures, so it seems to work.


    But what I saw in the diagnostics screen might be more interesting: the build volume temperature is 700°C (see photo). Which seems extremely high? I don't know what the 'build volume temperature' means, is that the build plate?


    Would that mean I need to look into something else?



    Build volume 700.jpeg

  3. Hi there, I am new here. My Ultimaker 2+ Connect stopped working. During quite a large print, the print head got clogged with filament.


    From that moment it couldn't heat up the nozzle anymore. So I put apart the fans and used a heat gun to remove all filament. But didn't get it to work. The touchscreen is still working, but I can't move the build plate using the touch screen. Also when I start the printer, normally the build plate moves up and down a bit, but that's not working either.


    In the mean time I've tried a lot of things: checked connections at the main board and build plate, replaced the heater+cable, replaced the nozzle, hot end isolator, TFM isolator coupler and heaterblock, reset to factory settings, updated to current firmware again (1.5.2). But no changes.


    Only this morning; I turned on the power again, and the printer worked for about 2 minutes. I was able to move the build plate with the touchscreen and heat up the nozzle, but then it suddenly stopped working again. By restarting the printer I can't get it to work for a few minutes again. No error codes. I've added the log.


    Hopefully you guys have any suggestions what I can do?



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