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  1. @MariMakes In your attached image, you have "Build Plate Adhesion Type" set to "Skirt", which I referred to as a workaround. Try slicing with it set to "None". Then the support brim layer disappears completely. Is this enough adhesion? I'm not sure. 5.4.0 is much better than 5.3.1 at making a wide base for the trees. With 5.3.1 it was often not enough with the internal brim. But with 5.4.0's wider bases, it seem to be good. I wouldn't mind the option to let the tree support brim grow outside the base though.
  2. This seems to have happened between 5.2.1 and 5.3.1, but it's still there in 5.4.0. I want to use tree support with brims on the support, but not on the model. It worked in 5.2.1, even though it only added the brim internal to the tree. In 5.3.1 and 5.4.0, "Enable Support Brim" with "Build Plate Adhesion Type" == "None" will result in a tree support without a brim, and it hoovers 1 layer above the build plate. And will of course not stick to the plate. Workaround: Use "Build Plate Adhesion Type" == "Skirt", and the internal brim in the tree is back.
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