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  • 3D printer
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  1. Downloaded Cura 5.3 and it works. Not taking this post down until we can get Cura 5.4 working.
  2. Cura on my PC straight up freezes and becomes unresponsive upon clicking Save to Disk. Doesn't matter how simple the model, the settings etc. Same result. Have uninstalled and reinstalled, but it appears to have kept all the config info. Can someone tell me how to wipe EVERYTHING from Cura off my PC? In the mean time, I tried using my laptop, so I freshly installed Cura and logged in, however, I'm getting "plugins failed to download". I have blazing fast internet, so what's the issue. How can I manually add a Z Offset without the plugin? Why did all of this start this morning? I didnt update ANYTHING, and Cura was working fine for weeks all the way up to last night!
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