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  1. Hey everyone, I've been using Ultimaker Cura slicer software for my 3D printing projects, and I'm really impressed with the results. However, I've encountered an issue with the outer wall quality that I'm hoping to address. Currently, the software allows us to set the number of walls, where the inner walls can be multiple, but there's only a single outer wall. For instance, if I set the wall count to 5, I get 4 inner walls and 1 outer wall. Unfortunately, this has led to some problems, particularly under extrusion on the outer wall. Since the outer wall is essentially the cosmetic face of the print, any under extrusion is quite noticeable and affects the overall quality of the print. Here's my idea: It would be incredibly beneficial if the software could incorporate a feature that allows us to print multiple outer walls. For example, if I could set the outer wall count to 2 or more, it would help hide the under extrusion on the first outer wall. The subsequent outer walls would cover up any imperfections, resulting in a smoother and more aesthetically pleasing outer surface. Has anyone else encountered this issue or found a workaround? It would be great to hear your thoughts and experiences with addressing under extrusion on the outer wall. And if anyone knows of potential updates or plugins that could bring the option of printing multiple outer walls in Ultimaker Cura, please do share. Thanks in advance for your input. I am attaching a picture for your reference.
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