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    Ultimaker S5 Pro Bundle

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  1. Is there a way to achieve the same output from command line Cura Engine as that from the GUI. I am facing the same problem as stated in the first post. My stl file is of ~3MB and after conversion the obtained gcode is of ~22-25MB that too inappropriate. I used the following command for slicing and received an abnormal output- ./build/Debug/CuraEngine slice -j ./resources/definitions/creality_ender3pro.def.json -s roofing_layer_count=0 -s roofing_monotonic=true -s cool_min_temperature=0 -o '/home/<username>/Dev/test/outputs/non_support.gcode' -l '/home/<username>/Dev/test/static/Test.stl' I got the 'resource' directory from the official Cura repository in Github. I understand that the problem lies around the in-compatibality with 'value' field inside the definition in json format. How do you suggest I overcome this problem. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!
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