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  1. Thank you for your feedback. There is BreadthFirstIterator and DepthFirstIterator, see: https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/wiki/Cura-Scene-Graph#accessing-scenenodes-in-the-scene Why should the printer platform itself be sliceable? Not that you mistake me: I talk about the platform that represents the printer itself in Cura as seen in my screenshot. Currently I'm iterating through the nodes and save the seemingly right on in a variable to later process it to save time and resources, maybe this somehow copies the platform. Will check this. EDIT: With separate iterator-loops where I move all platform nodes it is working like a charm and does not seem to produce some memory leaks. That is some good news in the morning. 😄
  2. Hi all, I hope this is the right forum here for my topic. My Cura plugin moves the platform model/STL via SetPosition: setPosition(Vector(offset[0], offset[1], offset[2])) However the movement results in an additional platform at the new coordinates instead of just moving the original one: This happens under Cura 4.13.1 and 5.4. When iterating through the nodes using BreadthFirstIterator it seems to create new platform nodes during the movement process. I already tried setting the visibility to False for a platform but this is not really working or sets the wrong platform to be invisible. Is there any advice available or code example on how to get this done? Thanks in advance, Brian
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