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  1. Since you sent me the gcode, which gave me a good print, I have uninstalled the Cura 5.6.0 and reloaded the program from the location you gave me. I am now printing just fine. Thank you for your help.
  2. I have had good results printing in ABS. The success in getting good prints is putting the 3D Printer into a box and heating up the box around 100 Deg F while printing.
  3. I have used Cura 5.2.1 and have had some good results with my 3D Printer (Anycubic Kobra Max) but now... I went to Version 5.4 to use the Fusion 360 plug in and the results has been less than desirable. I was hoping Version 5.6 would fix the problem. It seems that this new version has forgot the Z axis and the print head keeps crashing into the previous printed layers. The slicing seems fine but the prints look horrible.
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