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Everything posted by Kornsteven

  1. Thank you for your reply and help, I went ahead and printed a previous model and moved it over the same area as where the problem was, and so far it is printing completely fine, so there must be something up with the print I was trying before hand that's not showing in slicer that my printer don't like, strange one
  2. Hello, This is my first post please forgive me for any lack of knowledge I'm still learning, I've had my ender 3 neo for about a month and all my prints have been perfect, until last night, I used a raft for my prints and and seen a pattern on my layers that seems to miss a line or the line is not uniform to the rest of the raft, I have provided a photo of this, I have also noticed a change in pitch in the sound of the printer when it goes to that area, I have leveled bed over and over to make sure it's correct I have also checked the wheels on the bed and other axis these seem ok, but it has been printing fine up to now Any help would be appreciated
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