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Posts posted by Maqea

  1. Thank you for your answers. The mold setting did the trick. I need to tweak a tiny bit to get the print exactly as I like but on the whole that was the answer.

    PizzaTijd: The scull is not from that collection. I included it to see how it worked with the eyes and nose. It will not be usable in a print with the others (as I like those to have a hole straight through)  but that is OK. It was only added to learn from.

  2. Thank you for the  answer Slashee_the_Cow. Unfortunately, that does not work.

    That still builds the walls towards the centre and that destroys the shape of the Cookie Cutter. Of course I can redo my cookie cutters and make them as the cutter from Tschojo but I like to learn if there is a way to co what I want with the settings in Cura. If there is a way to make a wall surrounding the item/model. Using the model as what will be the hole in the cookie cutter.

    I made some screen prints to try and show what I mean.
    First the shapes I like to make mini cookie cutters from. This is the idea MaakMijnIdee described.
    Then with the Thickness and the infill set to 0. This build walls inward and that destroys the shape.
    Last I tried the Spiralize Outer Contour and that is the closest I got only the walls will be too thin.

    I added a picture from Thingiverse to show a cookie cutter.
    I borrowed it from Tschojo. The print is Creative Cookie Cutters ( https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:38665)






  3. At Thingiverse I found a "reversed" Cookie cutter collection. I wonder if it is possible and, in that case, how to slice it with Cura? I print with an Ender 3 pro and using Cura 5.6.0.

    I copy the description from the collection to here
    "Print only the outline of the cutter so switch off all fill setting in your slicer. A rather rough layer height setting will do. 2 layer shells will produce a fine cutter. I sliced mine in Netfabb for Ultimaker where I added 3 extra shell layers to the bottom 3mm's of the cookie cutter (using the Regions option in Netfabb) giving it a bit more strength." by MaakMijnIdee at Thingiverse


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