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  1. Sorry if it feels like I'm pestering you, I do appreciate your help, and in part I am venting my frustrations. I'm running a long print so it will be a little bit before I can test this, but I was dealing with prints taking about 1.4 times as long as predicted, so that's why I'm so concerned about how slow its going, Id rather my 24 long prints not take 34 hours. I don't have that setup at the moment but I will look into it. However, I am fairly confident that I have met or exceeded the values I am asking it to do on gcode coming out of ideamaker. I will test your Start Gcode when I get the chance. Is it ok for me to not define the M203 Z and E, since those haven't seemingly been problems yet I don't want to mess anything up. If it was purely just a problem of not being able to exceed a certain speed, wouldn't both the inner and outer walls be going at the same maxed out speed? Instead the sequence each layer is - 2 inner walls seemingly at 50 mm/s - 1 outer wall seemingly at 100 mm/s - the first straight line of (gyroid) infill will be at speed, 100 mm/s - then the rest of the infill will be at a slower speed, presumably back around 50mm/s And this is all in spite of the Gcode to the best of my parsing all showing the correct values. Its almost like the machine is trying to read the speed values from somewhere else. Its just observational but it seems to be using a slightly wrong version of the Cura calculated speeds, in that it appears to be doing the two wall speeds as multiples of each other, albeit in a wrong order, and seemingly independent of the value I set as overall print speed, instead sticking to the default 100 mm/s.
  2. I agree with not changing too much while its working. The weird part for me is still that when reading the gcode in other softwares it shows the speeds I want. It just doesn't do so on the printer. I can try adding in your M221 and M220 commands, but another thing I saw I could add is an M203 command, something like this, and if so where in the startup Gcode should I place it. M203 E? X130 Y130 Would this be a reasonable explanation for how the Gcode seems to be correct, but the machine doesn't want to follow the specified speeds? This still wouldn't address the fact that its also doing slower speeds for the inner walls and then faster speeds for the outer walls, but if it was at least listening to my speeds, I could just put the numbers in backwards and let it mirror them so it would be correct. Another thing I realized is the printer profile I built is adapted off the N2 Plus which may have had lower limits that are somehow affecting this.
  3. Thanks for the quick response. And just in general, I see your advice in like half the forum posts I read. I looked back at the start and end gcode I have been using and I only see M221 T0 S100, should I add a line above that reads, "M22 T0 S100" ? I'll investigate minimum layer time as well.
  4. Thanks GregValiant and everyone else involved. I was able to get this up and running on my Pro 2 Plus. The only setting I have that is behaving weirdly are some of the speeds. For instance, with settings of 100mm/s outer wall and 120 mm/s inner wall, I am instead getting what appears to be, 2 passes of 50 mm/s inner wall speed, followed by 100 mm/s outer wall. After that it actually does a single line of the infill at speed, and then drops into a slower pace. My best guess is that this is either some form of translation issue for how it reads some gcode commands, or some sort of more experimental setting that got turned on somewhere? When viewing the gcode in both Ideamaker and PrusaSlicer, it shows the speeds I put in, so presumably its something to do with the machine. It's not a hard limit though, it gets up to speed, but just in the wrong order. And I've printed at these speeds on this machine out of ideamaker. If anyone has some advice or experience getting all the settings to behave correctly it would be much appreciated.
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