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Posts posted by petermeuris

  1. My next print is clearly better, the problem is solved.


    But it stopped in the middle, due to extruder switched off maxT is reached.

    What happened, the connection at the extrusion head of the thermocouple was decoupled

    during printing, and overheated the system. Good it went down.

    But now ....another problem, none of the switches are working anymore !

    T control is fine, motors are fine, but none of the switches.

    Kind of annoying. Any help?


  2. @Daid:

    - I agree that this is serious under extrusion, i did not use the SkeinPyPy yet, I was using repG after I upgraded the firmware.

    (I tried SkeinPyPy, I could check the SkeinPyPy settings, but was not able to find the executable to run the machine -linux version)

    - This tension knob how is it kept in place ? see photo


    I think I miss something if I turn the tension knob, the wooden/plastic part is not pushing the thread, it pushes the wooden/platic part out ...

  3. I have printed my first test objects All suggestions are welcomed.


    So, here are my prints, 0.3mm layers, infill 30-70%, PLA 250°C:

    - ReplicatorG with marlin firmware.

    - Firmware: Marlin generated with BuildMeMarlin (awesome work Daid!), default settings exept baudrate/endswitches

    Some problems:

    1) Some times layers do not stick together. Too little material was extruded, filling factor not high enough ?

    I just sometimes had to push the filament a bit manually. I cannot yet figure out how the extruder motor mechanism is supposed to clamp the thread anyway.

    2) At start the PLA does not stick to the blue tape.

    So ... way to go :-)

  4. So I followed your first link, created the software uploaded it, but is tells me:

    avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout

    avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout

    avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout

    avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout

    EDIT: Restarted the ultimaker and ran the uploader again, this uploads the software

    And I can connect again with repG !

    Thanks !!

    Still no heating nor movement in the feeding motor though, the rest works.

    So I have still work to do :-)

  5. Hello all,

    I was trying out some new firmware, and I am stuck.

    I was able to work with replicatorG and the motors do work, no heating nor extrusion.

    Then I tried out some newer firmware, but now I cannot connect anymore.

    It says:

    Attempting to reset RepRap (pulsing RTS)

    Unknown: **********HERE SOME STRANGE SYMBOLS

    Any help ?



  6. Hello all,

    The extrusion head assembly went fine. However two questions popped up.


    http://wiki.ultimaker.com/Ultimaker_rev ... usion_head


    - The thermocouple does not fit into the aluminum block. It gets stuck halfway.

    In order to place the fan later I need to get it fully inside the block.

    Any ideas on how I should proceed ?

    - I had no plumbing tape (PTFE tape) so I did not include this. Is it really needed ?

    If so, I should add this of course.

    Thanks a lot


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