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Posts posted by juancr

  1. I have just discovered why the cup in the first photo was wrong: that happens when while you are printing, the extruder hits any top-end, so that deformation happened when the cup reached more diameter (its diametres grows towards the top) and hitted the Y axis top-end.


  2. Hi Technicality. Yes, I still have the old components, but I have nothing to measure anything, sorry. By the way, It's suposed these components are going to be sent to Ultimaker people to study them.

    About the cup, it must be a normal cup, so the final print was wrong, but I don't know why...

    Thanks for your comments.

  3. Thanks to everybody who tried to help me.

    Yesterday I received new stepper and new extruder motor from people of Ultimaker and this morning I've been printing some things, the printer already works!!

    It was a problem with the extruder motor.

    A big problem for me but finally it was solved.


  4. Hello to everybody. I'm new in this, I've received my Ultimaker 2 weeks ago but I couldn't print anything but air because my software cannot control the extruder motor.

    I have to say that I only speak a bit of english.

    I began to write what I'm trying here: http://forum.ultimaker.com/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=7#p5137, but I've just decided to open a new post so more people can read this and get a faster solution...

    I tried 0026-0034-0035-Cura-Netfabb softwares, I've installed and uninstalled all of them several times, I turned the stepper-screw to the right, to the left, I changed the steppers and almost prayed to all gods in the world, but I couldn't get anything with the extrusion.

    I have to say that the motor receives power because sometimes it try to move.

    Thanks to everybody for suggestions.

    PD: please write suggestions in this post.

    This will continue...

  5. Finally I got nothing using Cura to solve the extruder problem. I went back to ReplicatorG. So I switched extruder in X switch and it run, I switched it in Y switch and the extruder run.

    But when I switched X motor first and Y motor later in the extruder switch, none of them run...

    My great conclusion: the problem is in the stepper control, but what? Software? Hardware?

    (Sorry for my english, but I speak only a little)


  6. Let me think:

    - Printing does NOT work with repG? Does it turn the extruder motor at all? yes, it doesn't run

    - Are you running the latest Soft- and firmware? (RepG35 & Marlin). Please try to use the official Ultimaker Firmware. I've been using this all the time

    - Did you try changing the stepper motor to another pin? (X instead of E) and does it turn?

    yes, if I connect extruder motor to other plug, it runs.

    I think it's a software problem... but which one?

    Thanks for your answer.

    PD: now I'm trying with Cura software...

    (I'll back in 1/2 hour)

  7. This is what appears in Gcode Header:

    M104 S%maxtemp1

    M92 E14



    G1 X0.00 Y0.00 Z5.00 F500


    M109 S%maxtemp1


    G92 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00 E0.00

    G1 E0.00

    G1 X0.00 Y0.00 Z5.00 F600.00

    M106 S255

    G1 X205.00 Y200.00 Z5.00 F5000.00

    G1 X205.00 Y200.00 Z0.35 F5000.00

    G1 X205.00 Y100.00 Z0.35 F2500.00 E200.00

    G1 X204.00 Y100.00 Z0.35 F2500.00 E202.00

    G1 X204.00 Y200.00 Z0.35 F2500 E402.00

    G1 X203.00 Y200.00 Z0.35 F2500 E404.00

    G1 X203.00 Y100.00 Z0.35 F2500 E604.00

    G1 X202.00 Y100.00 Z0.35 F2500 E606.00

    G1 X202.00 Y200.00 Z0.35 F2500 E806.00

    G1 X201.00 Y200.00 Z0.35 F2500 E808.00

    G1 X201.00 Y100.00 Z0.35 F2500 E1008

    G1 X202.00 Y100.00 Z0.35 F50000 E708.00

    G1 X0.00 Y200.00 Z0.00 F15000

    G92 E-300.00

  8. Good morning to everybody.

    I bought my Ultimaker some weeks ago, but I still couldn't print anything but air because my extruder motor doesn't work. Only one time it run a little.

    I have windows 7-64bits, and I tried almost everything: 0026, 0034, 0035... netfabb... and I cannot extrude anything...

    Today I borrowed a computer to try printing again (to avoid the problem was my computer), with W7-64 too, but I didn't get anything...

    Any idea?



    PD: people from Ultimaker sent me a new electronics because we thought the ploblem were there, but with the new one nothing changed.

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