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  1. Hello Daid, thanks for your reply, i've installed Cura and upgraded to Marlin firmware. During the Wizard the program asks to move the extruder and the other axes for checking, but i didn't find any way to do it. I tryied with arrows from the keyboard and by clicking to xyz home as shown on the left of the screenshot, but it doesn't moves. Also the heating of the extruder i've setted to 200°C, but it remain cold. Attached you find a screen shot, maybe you can understand what's wrong, for me all these things are very new. Thanks for your help. Sorry, i forget the screenshot.
  2. Hello Daid, thanks for your reply, i've installed Cura and upgraded to Marlin firmware. After the Wizard the program asks to move the extruder and the other axes for checking, but i didn't find any way to do it. I tryied with arrows from the keyboard, but it doesn't moves. Also the heating of the extruder i've setted to 200°C, but it remain cold. Attached you find a screen shot, maybe you can understand what's wrong, for me all these things are very new. Thanks for your help.
  3. Hello, i'm a new owner of an Ultimaker. I bought used/like new from a guy that drive it in windows xp. I have windows 7 installed, so a lot of problems rised. The machine is one of the latest version v 1.5 (5d firmware) 2 month old. I'm using Replicator 0024 and i've installed Python 2.7.2. I'm not sure, but other firmware like Marlin and last Replicator versions, don't work. Opening Replicator 0024, i'm able to move the xyz axes, extrusor motor and nozzle heating. When i click on "generate gcode", Skeinforge opens and from here i choose a profile ex: cupkake-mk5-ABS (i'm using PLA anyway 210°C). The program generates a file for the printer that's ready to start, so after clicking on the start button the plexiglas base goes down about 5 mm. and the machine stop showing an error as shown in the screen shot below. Somebody could help me please? It's about a week i'm trying and retrying, checking dozen of time the same things. I also bought Netfabb, but it doesn't connect to the printer at all. Somebody could help me step by step with pictures, to setup the printer with newer firmware and software, on windows 7 please? Thanks for any suggestion.
  4. Salve, sono un nuovo possessore di una ULTIMAKER acquistata usata giorni fa. La macchina è come nuova, già assemblata e tarata per uso con win xp. Io purtroppo ho win 7 per cui le tarature e i settaggi firmware e software non funzionano. Il venditore mi ha dato una mano, fin dove ha potuto, a caricare i vari programmi e fare alcuni settaggi, ma ancora non sono riuscito a stampare. La macchina è una ULTIMAKER v 1.0 (5d firmware) e sto usando Replicator 0024 con installato Python 2.7.2. Da quello che ho capito, con win 7 firmare e Replicator più aggiornati non funzionano. Lanciando Replicator 0024, riesco a far muovere manualmente i vari assi, comandare il motore di estrusione e temperatura estrusore, Quando clicco su "genera codice", si apre la schermata di Skeinforge dal quale scelgo un profilo qualunque. Il programma genera il file per la stampa e la macchina dovrebbe essere in grado di partire, per cui clicco l'icona di stampa, ma invece di partire, il piano di stampa si abbassa di 5 mm. e mi si presenta una schermata di errore (vedi schermate allegate). Qulacuno mi può aiutare? ormai sono giorni che provo e riprovo, ricontrollando decine di volte le stesse cose, ma non riesco a capire dove sta il problema. Inoltre ho acquistato una licenza per netfabb che dovrebbe dare risultati migliori di qualunque altro software, ma non riesco a connettergli la stampante in quanto non la vede proprio. Qualcuno sarebbe in grado di darmi istruzioni passo passo per il settaggio della stampante con firmware aggiornati (magari Marlin) e software aggiornati, ovviamente su win 7?
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