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Posts posted by ahoeben

  1. You could print with two different materials that do not bond well while printing. Like water and oil, but solid. This is the idea of "breakaway support" material. However, keep in mind that the first layer of material B that does not bond well with material A on the layer below it will not stick to material A and as a result that first layer may fail, or will at least look ugly.

  2. The parts need to be designed with enough clearance. It was my impression that in your case, the parts fit neatly together. That will not work woth print-in-place. You need some space between the parts in order for them to not fuse together.

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  3. 15 hours ago, Lennard said:

    If I reduce the track width or increase the extrusion multiplier, the result is that I produce a wider track, which leads to reduced dimensional accuracy

    So you also need the Horizontal Expansion setting in the mix.

  4. Having looked at the code a bit, this almost certainly does not do what you want. It will scale the entire layer horizontally. Yes, the lines will be closer to or further from eachother, but your dimensional accuracy will be shot.


    5 hours ago, Lennard said:

    I want the flow rate to be constant and fill the voids by overlapping

    So lower the line width (which gets the lines closer to eachother) and increase the flow (which compensates for the decreased flow for the thinner lines). Or check out the "skin overlap" and "skin overlap percentage" settings.

  5. The python file you wrote is not a plugin by itself, but it is a script, to be used by the PostProcessing plugin.


    I have not checked the code at all, but the file path and  file name should be like this:


  6. To use the OctoPrint connection plugin, you still need to add and configure a printer in Cura first. So no, it is not a good idea to add a skip button here, since Cura does not work without a printer configured.


    You need to add a non-networked printer to Cura, and then configure the OcotPrint connection plugin to point it to your octoprint instance.


    To elaborate a bit, Cura does actually let plugins "hook into" the "Add a networked printer" functionality a bit. The reason I never added support for that is that Cura does not have a way to know the type (brand/model) of printer that is configured in OctoPrint, so I would still need to ask the user to select a printer type from the long list. And you would somehow have to install the OctoPrint Connection plugin before starting Cura. That just makes it too much work for too little gain.

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  7. No, they are referring to the "Extensions" menu in the menu "bar".


    The "Mesh Tools" plugin has an option to automatically scale STLs after loading them. After installing said plugin, see Extensions -> Mesh Tools -> Configure... -> Unit for files that don't specify a unit.

  8. My answer was in response to a MacOS user. On MacOS, it is common for people to turn on that option to prevent a specific rendering issue in the layer view. 


    If the "force layer view in compatibility mode" option is not set and you still get layer view in compatibility mode - as you do - then your computer is not giving Cura the OpenGL context Cura needs. To show the full layerview, Cura needs an OpenGL 4.1 context. It could be that your GPU does not support that, or you need to install another driver.

    • Like 1
  9. You have installed the "Sidebar GUI" plugin. If you want the ribbon back, disable the Sidebar GUI plugin. Press the "Marketplace" button (top right) and in the Marketplace dialog press the cogwheel icon. Then scroll down to Sidebar GUI plugin and disable it.


    The sidebar gui plugin provides all of the functionality that is provided by the ribbon, but in the sidebar. If you ask me, the sidebar gui makes more sense, while also being more compact. Then again, I might be biased.

    • Like 1
  10. A .curaprofile file is actually a zip file containing multiple files. You can rename it to ".curaprofile.zip" and extract it into a folder. The files inside that folder are all pure text with no "weird characters". Do not edit the text of a .curaprofile file as is; this may break the .zip file structure.

    • Like 1
  11. Oh, sure, go ahead, blame the innocent plugin 😉


    I don't see how that plugin could cause CuraEngine to fail... It mostly just toggles the Cura preference to auto-slice. Pausing and unpausing effectively results in restarting the slice, which CuraEngine should be able to do just fine.

  12. CuraEngine does not actually use the Nozzle Size setting, but instead it uses the Line Width setting and some other more specific line width settings. In part this is a leftover from a time where most Ultimaker profiles would use a line width that was 7/8th of the nozzle size (so a 0.4 mm nozzle would print with a 0.35 mm line width).


    The optimal Line Width to print with is affected by the nozzle diameter. But you can print fatter and thinner lines than the nozzle diameter.


    The line width and the layer height determine how much material needs to be extruded. The material diameter is used to convert that to the amount of E-steps. The flow parameter is just a multiplier to adjust for slight miscalibrations and material slipping.


    For printers that have a nozzle size dropdown, you are actually not just affecting the nozzle size, but you are loading an entire settings profile that could have many other setting changes (such as printing speed, material temperatures, etc).


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  13. 3 hours ago, Harlock974 said:

    Technically, what will be the issue if I print a 0.12 mm layer height with a 0.8 mm nozzle ?

    The extrusions will have relatively low number number of steppermotor steps, so there is less precision in how much material gets extruded on a move.


    There is no hard limit of what is "ok" and what is not, but with a lower layer height, you get less precision in how much material gets extruded, so (theoretically) you get very small under- and over extrusions along the print due to rounding. This is even more a problem for "relative" extrusion mode, since the rounding of steps happens at each move instead of over a full print.

    • Like 1
  14. Cura tries to protect your printer against cold extrusion.


    Cura tries to see if there is anything in your start gcode that heats up your extruder(s), and bed. If not, it will insert a heatup sequence on its own. Cura does not know about your PRINT_START macro.


    The logic is here:


    Cura looks for the text "{material_print_temperature}", "{material_print_temperature_layer_0}", "{default_material_print_temperature}", "{material_initial_print_temperature}", "{material_final_print_temperature}" or "{material_standby_temperature}" in the start gcode to check if the start gcode contains extruder heating commands (so it does not actually care if you use M104 or M109 or not).


    Cura looks for the text "{material_bed_temperature}" or "{material_bed_temperature_layer_0}" in the start gcode to check if the start gcode contains bed heating command (so it does not actually care if you use M140 or M190 or not).

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  15. On 3/21/2024 at 7:47 PM, DivingDuck said:

    Then I thought us one of the most printed models: The 3DBenchy. Guess, what happen...


    I have never printed a benchy myself. I went to 3dbenchy.com, and downloaded the 3d benchy hosted on Thingiverse.com. 3D Builder (by Microsoft, ships with Windows) agrees with Mesh Tools that that model is "invalidly defined" (which is what 3D Builder calls non-watertight). Just that a model is printed a lot does not mean that it is a perfect model.




    But let's not focus too much in this topic on what is and what isn't watertight.

  16. 17 hours ago, RePeters said:

    4.1.3  works but I was wondering if a newer version (like 4.6 or 4.7 ) would work.

    There is no such thing as Ultimaker Cura 4.1.3. There is Ultimaker 4.13 (which I think you have), which is newer than 4.6, 4.7 or 4.8.

    You can download 4.13.1 (the latest from the 4.x releases) here:


    Other releases can all be found here:


    (You will have to scroll)

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