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Posts posted by aaronalai

  1. Shoot, this one is a bit more difficult to figure out. I'm very interested to hear what has worked for you; my cat sheds much more than a normal cat. I'm also interested in reading that you use your spool holder. I've read in several threads that the stepper motors are not strong enough to unspool the filament thread while the spool is on the holder, too much friction? Perhaps you could send a photo, I'm sure there are many Ultimakers out there with cats.


  2. So while I am waiting for my UM2 to arrive I ordered some Colorfabb filament that arrived today. I was looking at the filament, because that's pretty much all I have at this point, and noticed some little black flecks in the interior of the spool and just a little on the filament itself (the filament is white), it's only held on by static cling; this is probably minuscule to all the cat hair and lint that stuck to the filament after I dropped it on the ground and a good bit of the filament unfurled while it rolled away.

    Now there is a reasonable amount of non-plastic debris on the filament itself stuck there by static cling. Does the UM2 have a piece of foam or something to wipe off the exterior of the filament so it doesn't get trapped inside the bowden tube? I know I've seen something on thingiverse related to filament wiping, I don't imagine its a super big deal in the beginning but I can definitely see cat hair getting inside the bowed tube and eventually down into the extruder over time without some type of wipe.


  3. Awesome thanks! Have you printed it yet? I am totally excited to see your last print, I literally today just received 3 spools of filament from ColorFab and one of them is White, the other two are Traffic Red and XT. I saw a lot of really nice finishes with the XT material so I figured I would give it a shot. I'm finally glad to have something at least tangible! The wait is killing me but, It will be all the sweeter when my UM2 does finally arrive in the mail I suppose.


  4. Drrr, I feel silly. Thanks! I have been checking the Follow button for articles I found interesting hoping I could actively search through them later. I was looking for a way to retrieve them and didn't see that obvious option :lol: I'm glad to see my big list was just waiting for me.


  5. Greetings all, I've been scouring the forums a lot recently while I wait for my printer to ship. I have seen tons of really good posts, but sometimes when I go back to find them I can't find them using the search function. I don't think my search skills are that poor, but maybe I'm just better with other search engines. Even if I can remember who started the topic or who posted the information I need, going back to their profile to see all of their recent posts often only yields post that are newer than what I need.

    I was wondering if there was a way to bookmark forum topics that one likes and then to see a list of those bookmarked topics on ones' profile. Currently I'm either saving threads to my desktop and organizing them there or I am emailing myself links to threads that I might need to reference in the future.


  6. I was updating one of my YouMagine pages recently, and was trying to change the primary picture. I couldn't execute the action unless I clicked on the image name to edit it and then clicked cancel. Also, it would be nice to be able to change the order of the pictures not just which picture is first. I was using Google Chrome on a Windows 7 machine.

    Great site idea, hopefully it will start garnering more attention. I've seen other sites that focus on group projects, an interesting potential for YouMagine as it consists primarily of UM folks who also chat on the forums, I have a couple of design ideas I would like to start. A design idea area (I have this idea but don't know how to model it kind of post) and/or weekly or biweekly print challenges would be pretty cool for either the YouMagine site or the forums.

    *I just read through the sticky in this thread, many of the ideas in the above paragraph have been expressed in one way or another. Still applicable though. I am really interested in a biweekly print challenge and helping people design stuff to print out.


  7. That looks fantastic, whatever you did for the finish really looks great.

    Ian you need to do the house in LAYWOOD :-P, it looks really nice.

    The prints in the forum are enough to sell the Ultimaker, just send your friends interested in purchasing a printer a link.


  8. Hex head metric machine screws can be a bit hard to find in the USA, but it looks like Amazon has several sizes:


    Usually McMaster-Carr is a good bet for any hardware, but I don't see any hex drive screws on their site.


    Are these the type of screw you are looking for? http://www.mcmaster.com/#socket-head-cap-screws/=q5l6it

    If you tell me the type of screw you are looking for I can tell you if it on their site, I buy hardware from them several times a week for work, I would be surprised if they didn't have what you were looking for. Or you could just post a link to the nuts and bolts on the appropriate Ultimaker build website. I bought a UM2 and am very interested in the flexibility of the UM1s design, so I wouldn't mind reading about it to some extent.

    If you do go hunting around McMasterCarr and still can't find anything http://www.fastenal.com/web/home is a great place; Fastenal specializes in fasteners and a surprising assortment of random things.

    Nice name btw.


  9. I'm very confused.


    These printers use 2d inkjet printer head technology: http://www.konicaminolta.com/inkjethead/technology/technology.html, not how they are all done but the basic principle. A piezoelectric material will deform shape as a function of current, this phenomena is taken advantage of to pump and squirt ink droplets through etched out channels and onto normally a paper substrate. The Zcorp and CubeJet printers use the same technology but instead of ink, it's colored glue; and instead of paper it's a constantly dropping and refreshing build substrate consisting of fine plastic powder (which I would be very interested in knowing how they make and the dimensions of the granules); the build substrate is refreshed by a rolling arm similar to laser sintering.

    I also forgot, some inkjet heads use heat to vaporize some of the ink which forces a prescribed amount of ink out of the small holes in the printing head. I don't suspect this is how the printers are depositing their binding agents though.


  10. That's it, the Zcorp printers. An interesting idea, I also believe the structures are rather strong as well. I saw someone use a printed wrench made from one of these printers. I think the 3d printing technology that will end up on generic moms desk (in the somewhat distant future) will incorporate this because it doesn't require any support structure and almost no post processing, except just dusting off the piece. The downside sides I can see are maintenance, the powder has to be very fine and now we have respiratory issues and static cling (can't get that stuff on the printer head which is moving swiftly and very close to the power substrate); and the cost of the material, Zcorp says their stuff is 20 cents/cc which I can see adding up quickly, especially since you can't print hollow structures. I don't think most people want to print out cool functional stuff (although they should want to!!) but more aesthetic stuff, something this printer can do very simply.


  11. I don't think it is SLS or DLP, neither one to my knowledge could produce all those colors. I think it's a fine power combined with a binding agent emitted from a printer head almost identical to a 2D printers', after the binding material is ejected out of the moving head another layer of fresh fine powder is applied and the process repeats. The colors are mixtures of colored binding agent. I forget the technique, but I believe shapeways uses it.


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