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Posts posted by daveholbrook

  1. Manually by hand I can move the head in each direction. It's when I now switch the machine on that there is no movement on the y axis motor. I think it may be as you have suggested gr5 and that a connection has come lose. This may be a connection at the motor end as this is te section where I have loosened the screws to release some tension within the belt. I will take a look at this tomorrow and report back.

    As for something falling down into the pulleys illuminarti, I have checked and they are definitely free and move nice and smoothly by hand when switched off. This must be a connection problem with the wires. I guess it's easy enough to get to the motor to check the connection?

  2. Since slightly loosening the four screws which hold the motor to the side panel then they do both now move equally as easy, prior to this the y movement was very stiff. However once the machine is now switched on there is no movement in the y axis.

    I can't hear any strange noise and it doesn't seem as of the motor is trying to move, althogugh I did see slight movement at one point. I've not touched anything else for something to have been dropped down there, no. I've trying backing the four screws which hold the motor in place right off and then starting up the machine hoping t see some movement as there would now be little tension, but again nothing.

  3. I must also add that now having tried a print after oiling the shafts and moving them manually, the y axis doesn't move at all.

    I've slightly loosened the screws which are holding the motor in place and this has freed up the movement manually, but when trying to print the y axis doesn't move what so ever. Have I done something wrong??

  4. Thanks for both replies. I've tightened all grub screws (apart from the difficult to get to one) but am confident this is not the issue as every one seemed very tight already.

    While observing the belts during a print nothing seems to stand out as being incorrect.

    However, after lightly oiling the x y shafts it is very noticeable the difference when manually moving the head. Along the x axis the head moves smoothly and freely, but along the y axis it is stiff and tight (infact if you try to push the head in the y axis withing holding the machine with your other hand then the whole machine will move).

    Is this something which I can remedy myself?

  5. This post is with regards to my new Ultimaker 2 which I received less than a week ago.

    I've already posted this morning regarding a problem but thought I should keep this separate as it is a different problem.

    Every time I switch on to try to print the print begins but no material is extruded. If left then material does eventually extrude half way through the print (resulting in a useless ball of material).

    What I usually do is abort the print and then heat the extruded head up to 260 and then feed some material through to get it started.

    Am I doing something wrong here or is my machine faulty?

    Surely I am not expected to do this every time?

    I must say that with this being the second problem with my Ultimaker 2 immediately after removing it from the box I am pretty disappointed so far.

  6. Hi, I'm pretty new to the 3d printing community only purchasing an Ultimaker 2 within the last week.

    I've gone through the set up process and everything was going fine untill I came to produce my first print (ultimaker robot). With each layer that is printed the head seems to move along the y axis, printing the next layer out of position resulting in the print leaning towards to from of the machine.

    I've tried several different prints and everyone is the same. I've reset the factory settings and set up from scratch but still the prints are all the same.

    Is this a common problem? And is this something I am doing wrong or is there something wrong with my machine?


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