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Posts posted by r2d2

  1. Vielen Dank fürs willkommen heissen

    Ja die Ideen sind auch bei mir schon am übersprudeln!

    Lass mich raten.. dein erster ausdruck wird ein R2D2 sein? :wink:



    Ne, kein r2d2 - aber die Töne die ein 3d-printer von sich gibt erinnern einfach an den guten alten r2d2... :-)

    @fuNNy: nur keinen schei.... kaufen! hatte nen PEARL Freesculpt den ich nach 14 Tagen per Geld-Zurück Garantie gottseidank wieder retournieren konnte...

    Gruss aus dem BEO von 1650m ü.M. werde wohl den höchstgelegensten 3d printer in Europa betreiben... ;-)



  2. aber positiv thinking: je länger die Lieferung dauert, desto länger kann man sich darauf freuen!! :wink:

    OK... diesen Spruch werde ich vermutlich noch bereuen!!

    Gruss aus der Schweiz


    Ja, ist wie Weihnachten... nur dass man schon Mitte Oktober anfängt sich darauf zu freuen... :-P

    Bin jetzt in der 6ten Woche und bereue schon, nicht gleich 2 bestellt zu haben...bei den ganzen Ideen die sich angehäuft haben... :roll: :idea: :D

    Willkommen im Club!


  3. @r2d2

    You will need the same sized gears, or you will be trying to drive each side of the filament at different speeds.

    No, thats not right! Indeed the bigger wheel will turn much slower but the way it makes on the outline will be exactly the same way the little wheel makes... important is only that the gears connecting exactly over the middle of the filament...

    (this is hard for me to translate but i hope i get it clear...)



  4. i love your idea of transferring the energy to both wheels and then using the suspension system within the second wheel to accomodate pressure on the filmanet and also the changes in filament diameter,,, we only need to find a material that can withstand these changes in pressure over weekes and months... any ideas guys on the right material ??

    Cool work Ralf !!

    Lets keep up this pace.... :smile:

    Ian :smile:

    Hi Ian,

    if i had a printer :eek: i would print the axis part and the outside of the big wheel with pla and the suspension part with flexible pla ... but until now i have no experiences with this material (having already 3 reels from ultimaker next to me.. one is flexible - and they are all waiting to melt :evil: ) :roll:

    or i would print only the axis part with pla and the outer part complete in flexible pla to get a good friction with the filament..

    But im really not sure if a printed gear set is tough enough...



  5. Actually, both transcend and eyefi can be hacked (telnet access + homemade executable files -- I played with this). So I feel confident that they can be made to listen by themselves if it is needed (linux rules!). Eg. they could silently grab and sync the g files from a given folder on my PC. Hey, they could even slice the files for me (joking... there is plenty of hard drive space but the RAM is pretty small).

    Back to the card size, I find it hard to accept there would be no real answer to the compatible SD cards for an Arduino, amazing!

    YES hack it!!! :idea: :!: :evil: :D


  6. As we can see what SandervG said at 21.02 is not anymore valid it looks that the lead time is still at about 9 weeks right now... (some have to wait even longer)

    So PLEASE Sander give us an new "forecast" about the lead time!

    Everyone who ordered an ultimaker2 will support your company and the great products you have and nearly everyone can understand that you have delivery problems because of your great products..

    In this moment COMMUNICATION is the only thing which keeps the clients at your side!


  7. I think the real issue is that the Arduino does handle SD cards that are larger than 2GB (at least on the UM1)

    So my 16BG Wifi Transcend is no use, too bad... :(


    Aha, that can be a problem.. mine is a 32GB Transcend..

    I bought it for my camera but there it consums to much power..

    But whats up with the UM2 can it handle larger SD-cards?

    Anybody knows?


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