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  1. alnavasa's post in Replacing the printhead cable? was marked as the answer   
    I just replaced that cable (And many other parts)
    That cable is cheap, around 20€
    I recomendable you to buy on the same order (to save shipping fees) the capacity cable (around 1€) and a couple of silicone spares for the nozzle cover (around 4€) 
    In my case my printer also had more than 3.000 hour, so I replaced the belts (recommended to be replaced after 4.000 hour), also replaced new print cores, new springs for the bed and new clips, as well as Bowden tubes and their clips.
    Your head cable, 
    I recommend watching this video to see how the plug from the printhead is removed:
    The cabe then traces to the back of the printer and into the motor cover. The monitor covers are just pushed in, just pull them gently first form one (I recommend the wall side) side and the from the other (the back side).
    At this step you will need to lay down the printer, 
    on the side, put some cloth or similar to prevent the printer from scratching
    Befor opening the bottom of the printer make sure that it is completely unplugged from the wall, It is not electrically safe to open below while the cable is connected (R1 version of the S5).
    Also to prevent any ESD issues with the board I recommend you remove static from you, I personally touch the water radiator of the house metallic non painted part which is grounded so I get my self discharged, there is people that work with sensitive equipment that always have a cable connected to the ground to them to be completely off, not my case, but I just give it a touch before to prevent.
    Then below there its pretty much straight forward, follow the cable take pictures before to follow after. 
    Also the cable has a position, one side goes to the printhead, and the other goes to the PCB below the printer, I think the one for the PCB below the printer has some sort extra heat shrink tubbing.
    Also the capacity cable snapped off right after the overhaul, so I recommend changing it for what it is worth, actually is easier to change it while the printer is being manipulated. 
    The cable plugs in the back side of the printhead and the cables side just pull the older ones from the PCB and push the new ones into the PCB of the capacity sensor. They are NOT soldered (I read people soldering them here) they have a connector where you insert the cable, just by pushing it, then you pull to check if they are snug and don't move, If they move, pull them away, look at the clip that holds them, the clip has two arms on each of the sides that go in, if the cable is not being held inside, those two arms need to be pushed further in.
    This video helped too:
  2. alnavasa's post in Ultimaker S5 Camera stream not viewable was marked as the answer   
    New camera fitted, Everything working fine now.
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