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Posts posted by berndjm

  1. First at all:

    I'm not a python-coder, so some things may be not as "clean" as the could be ;)

    The changes are tested and work in my configuration / on my systems.

    It's only tested on Ubuntu-Linux.

    No gurantee that they will work also in other configurations.

    In Octoprint are no changes needed, you have just to enable the API and CORS in "System -> API".

    The API-Key is needed later on.

    The changes in cura are in the "sceneview.py" (download here ) - on Linux to find in /usr/share/cura/Cura/gui/

    All changes I made where commented ###.

    In this file you have to adjust the following to meet your environment:

    around line #143: url

    around line #154: X-Api-Key

    With this changes you have an additional button near the "YM" button that sends the actual file directly to Octoprint.

    Have fun


  2. Hi Nico,

    I tried it some month ago. As resume I would say:

    - the slicing is not as slow as I thought (but even not very fast ;) )

    - the Raspi is not really that power machine for such tasks ...

    - you must believe on the slicing profile and have no real control over that whats going on (o.k. you can review the sliced file in gcode viewer ...)

    - for me a good workflow looks other

    After that I decided to stay on my old workflow slicing with cura on desktop and send the files to octoprint - for that I tweaked the 15.04 cura in a way that I have a "Send to Octoprint" Button near the "Save toolpath". So I mustn't save the file locally and upload it to octoprint, it is send directly (using octoprints API). And as a bonus you can configure Octopint in an way that it starts printing new uploaded files immediatly (if no other print job is ongoing).

    For me (so far) the easiset and fastest way ...

    Regards Bernd

  3. For me work all the cura 15.04.x versions fine on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (same situation here, have to jump from LTS to LTS) - even before I did this dirty hack to get the newer version running.

    No idea why you have this problems.

    This "missing wx" thingie points to an too old version of python-wxgtk (as far as I remember) - just gave a look if python-wxgtk is installed and if so, which version.

  4. Linux is actually the easiest platform to support. Max & linux are both equally easy with regards to build scripts. Windows is a lot harder ...


    To be fair it should be said that Linux is the easiest platform solely because you've decided not to support older Linuxes. Otherwise you would have nearly the same hard way as supporting XP ...

  5. I installed 15.09.82 and 15.09.83. Both didn't start up at all.

    15.09.80 and 15.09.81 DO start up.

    I'm running on Ubuntu 15.04


    Can confirm this for the latest version, this is the error message from the console:


    Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/cura_app. py", line 14, in    import cura. CuraApplication File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cura/CuraApplication. py", line 9, in    from OpenGL import GLImportError: No module named 'OpenGL'


    (Note: added blanks above to avoid the tagging as "url")

  6. @th3o:


    Cannot start it. Get this message:

    Version: master

    Platform: Linux-3.19.0-26-generic-x86_64-with-Ubuntu-15.04-vivid

    Qt: 5.4.1

    PyQt: 5.4.1

    Seems like there is something wrong with the packaging for Linux:

    The folder


    gets installed by mistake in


    just copy the folder "Arcus" from the wrong place to the right location and you will go

    Regards Bernd

  7. Hi Dan,

    this files are already in the Ubuntu repositories but in an older version.

    The missing dependencies refer to a newer version of these files.

    The newer versions are available since Ubuntu 14.10 - if you're not forced to stay on the 14.04 LTS the easiest way would be a dist-upgrade.

    If you forced to stay on the LTS version (like me) I published a "bit of dirty" hack some weeks ago. For me it works fine, but PLEASE use it on your own risk 8)

  8. Some questions to refine your problem:


    I installed ubuntu



    I downloaded a 32 bit version of cura

    again - version?


    it still wouldn't launch

    think this means if you click the cura icon?

    what happens if you try to start cura via the terminal?

    any error messages?

    • Like 2
  9. For me worked this:

    (think you have to do this as "root")

    1. after installing the 15.04 deb-package copy the complete folder /usr/share/cura to your home folder

    2. additional copy the file "cura" from /usr/bin to the cura folder in your home folder

    3. change in the copied file "cura" the paths that they matches the new location in your home folder

    4. make sure that "cura" is excecutable

    Now you can start the 15.04 via "cura" from your homefolder and it never minds if 15.06 overwrites the old version.

    Maybe you have to adjust some user rights (can't remember this exactly).

  10. Hi,

    grade als Neuling sollte man nicht wirklich mit der 15.06.xx arbeiten.

    Sie ist, auch wenn's manchmal nicht gern gehört wird, in einem Beta-Stadium.

    Da sind noch 'ne Menge Bugs drin und es fehlen noch einige der gewohnten Funktionen, bzw. sind anderst gelöst als bisher.

    Man darf auch nicht vergessen, das die Version von Grund auf neu programmiert wurde, da sind Fehler quasi vorprogrammiert ;)

    Die Version ist eher was für "Hardcore-Freaks" die gerne mal basteln und zur Verbesserung beitragen möchten.

    Für Einsteiger würde ich die letzte aktuelle 15.04 Version empfehlen, die macht genau das was sie soll und was man von ihr erwartet. Wenn dann was nicht klappt kann man wenigstens schonmal die Software als Ursache ausschließen.

    Und bei posten von Problemen immer dran denken: die Software gibt es nicht nur für Windows sondern auch für Linux und für Mac ... also nicht davon ausgehen, daß alle wissen welches Betriebssystem du auf dem Rechner hast!

    Und zu guter letzt sollten wir die Nettiquette wahren: dies ist ein Englisch-sprachiges Forum, also sollten wir auch in dieser Sprache schreiben (auch wenn's manchmal schwer fällt). So haben alle was davon und die Chance eine Antwort zu bekommen steigt erheblich 8)

  11. Jetzt grad mal auf deutsch (weil ich echt genervt bin):

    diese Forums-Software ist doch einfach für die Katz!

    Warum glaubt die Software ausgerechnet in Code-Fragmenten wie meinem obigen rumeditieren zu müßen und da irgendwelche Geschichten reinzuschreiben !!!

    Die Fehlermeldung heißt:

    ERROR - Import error loading module PostProcessingPlugin: No module named 'PostProcessingPlugin.scripts.Test'

    ... toll im normalen Text wird nicht "autokorrigiert" ...

  12. You need to put the plugin in the plugins folder. The script folder is inside the PostProcessingPlugin folder


    O.k. I got it, it should be located in :


    (the folder "plugins" must be generated by hand - would be nice to establish this folder during installation to give the user a better hint ;) )

    But what's that :angry:


    ERROR - Import error loading module PostProcessingPlugin: No module named 'PostProcessingPlugin.scripts.Test'


    Commented out the problematic line in "PostProcessingPlugin.py" and it seems to work :D

    O.k. let's not talk about the optic aspects, the usability and the function ... you mentioned in your starting post "See this as an early alpha / beta." :D

    But it gives a good idea how things could work ...

  13. Thank you nallath.

    I can very well understand your problems with a thin staffing level.

    Nevertheless with my "dirty hack" I hope I didn't missed something.

    What I mean: is a strange behavior a real bug or is it caused through my hack ?!?

    And what you should really have to rethink is the bundling of this libprotobuf stuff.

    As far as I've read so far this bundling causes problems for peoble who have already installed some developement stuff. I think this is not the major party of the users - and this (the minor party) people should have the know how to handle this. For the other "normal users" it's a "pain in the ass" to fiddle this out ...

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