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Posts posted by kepolas

  1. Why is there no option to load already saved profile or to load profile from gcode like in old Cura? I didn't really do much testing but, right out of the blue after installation I wanted to use existing profile on similar model, and just couldn't find any options to load that. I just need to redo profile again..? And then what..? Do i have to type all the settings again for next model i plan to print...

    • Like 1
  2. Hey everyone. This is probably stupid question but does anyone from Ultimaker or anyone here in forum knows if its possible (and how) to get this little thing for stock feeder on UM2...? I have "older" version of Ultimaker 2 without this grommet and one "new" with it and id like to use it with roberts feeder on my "older" UM2 as well.


  3. Well, I have two Ultimaker 2's and im also trying to make some money out of it. It is hard and at the moment i don't earn really anything since all I earn I use for other filament and modifications on printer such as 3dSolex and nozzles. For me its specially hard since im situated in Croatia which is kinda crappy place to live atm, with people who have little knowledge of 3d printing. I started a business such as sole trader in england, and i still work regular day job. And its getting me exhausted. 3DHubs are awesome platform for doing business, but since its idea is for local printing i yet have to get more orders. I'm lucky enough to have a small start up company from US who's owner actually have roots from Croatia, so i print a lot of prototypes for his business for him. Otherwise i would be dead buried in dept. For now I manage to pay the loan to the bank i used for purchasing those two printers, and any excess money i invest further in things such as web page, filament and such. So as long as its positive 0 im ok. Im looking to extend this printing business but for now its a slow process specially since i don't have ability to devote myself only tho this (all though i would love and that's the ultimate goal for me). Btw i do not calculate my labor into this at all.

    Also i try to 3d model things but this is also going slow for me. Im learning al ot, and i must say special thanks to everyone in this forum for many genius advice's.

    You can check my hub here: https://www.3dhubs.com/zagreb/hubs/arca-somni

    And my web page (still in development by me and im not programmer so its also slow as i lean along the way): www.arcasomni.com

    So, hard road ahead...but I have many ideas and someday i hope this pays out.



  4. Never seen that happening before (naturally, I tested the 15.01 release on Windows7 a few days before the actual release)

    The lack of printing time info most likely means that the engine isn't starting properly.

    Can you post the contents of:


    That might give a hint in what is going wrong.


    I too have this problem. I run WIN 8.1. I must be noob since i cant find where to upload that txt file. but ill copy a part of it here:



    # Generating comtypes.gen._683BF642_E9CA_4124_BE43_67065B2FA653_0_1_0

    # Generating comtypes.gen.TaskbarLib

    Loading old settings from C:\Users\Marko\.cura\14.12.1

    Failed to listen on port: 49674

    Listening for engine communications on 49675

    Flashing 118826 bytes

    Verifying 118826 bytes

    Running: C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura_15.01\CuraEngine.exe -v -p -s initialSpeedupLayers=4 -s minimalFeedrate=10 -s preSwitchExtruderCode= -s supportXYDistance=700 -s insetXSpeed=50 -s retractionZHop=0 -s extruderOffset[3].X=0 -s extruderOffset[3].Y=0 -s gcodeFlavor=1 -s postSwitchExtruderCode= -s retractionSpeed=40 -s filamentFlow=100 -s infillOverlap=15 -s inset0Speed=50 -s coolHeadLift=0 -s extrusionWidth=400 -s upSkinCount=6 -s initialLayerSpeed=20 -s minimalLayerTime=5 -s infillSpeed=50 -s supportExtruder=-1 -s fanSpeedMax=100 -s supportType=1 -s enableCombing=1 -s fanSpeedMin=100 -s supportZDistance=150 -s supportEverywhere=0 -s filamentDiameter=2850 -s initialLayerThickness=300 -s supportAngle=-1 -s fanFullOnLayerNr=2 -s extruderOffset[1].X=18000 -s extruderOffset[1].Y=0 -s layerThickness=100 -s endCode=M25 ;Stop reading from this point on.


    -s minimalExtrusionBeforeRetraction=20 -s retractionMinimalDistance=1500 -s skirtMinLength=150000 -s objectSink=0 -s retractionAmount=4500 -s skinSpeed=50 -s skirtLineCount=1 -s startCode= -s skirtDistance=3000 -s extruderOffset[2].Y=0 -s extruderOffset[2].X=0 -s printSpeed=50 -s fixHorrible=1 -s layer0extrusionWidth=400 -s moveSpeed=150 -s supportLineDistance=2666 -s retractionAmountExtruderSwitch=16500 -s sparseInfillLineDistance=2000 -s insetCount=2 -s downSkinCount=6 -s multiVolumeOverlap=150 -g 49675 -s posx=117944 -s posy=146155 $

    Cura_SteamEngine version 15.01

    Copyright © 2014 David Braam


    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by

    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or

    (at your option) any later version.


    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.


    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License

    along with this program. If not, see <

    Default config 'default.cfg' not used

    Reading mesh from socket with 67224 vertexes

    Loaded from disk in 0.031s

    Analyzing and optimizing model...

    Face counts: 22408 -> 21542 96.1%

    Vertex counts: 67224 -> 10501 15.6%

    Size: 56.782000 52.947000 80.000000

    vMin: 89.553000 119.682000 0.000000

    vMax: 146.335000 172.629000 80.000000

    vMin: -25.447000 7.181000 0.000000

    vMax: 31.335000 60.128000 80.000000

    Matrix: 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000

    Matrix: 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000

    Matrix: 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000

    Optimize model 0.047s

    Slicing model...

    Layer count: 798

    Sliced model in 0.344s

    Generating support map...

    Generating layer parts...

    Generated layer parts in 0.140s

    Generated inset in 0.719s

    Generated up/down skin in 1.266s

    Running: C:\Program Files (x86)\Cura_15.01\CuraEngine.exe -v -p -s initialSpeedupLayers=4 -s minimalFeedrate=10 -s preSwitchExtruderCode= -s supportXYDistance=700 -s insetXSpeed=50 -s retractionZHop=0 -s extruderOffset[3].X=0 -s extruderOffset[3].Y=0 -s gcodeFlavor=1 -s postSwitchExtruderCode= -s retractionSpeed=40 -s filamentFlow=100 -s infillOverlap=15 -s inset0Speed=50 -s coolHeadLift=0 -s extrusionWidth=400 -s upSkinCount=6 -s initialLayerSpeed=20 -s minimalLayerTime=5 -s infillSpeed=50 -s supportExtruder=-1 -s fanSpeedMax=100 -s supportType=1 -s enableCombing=1 -s fanSpeedMin=100 -s supportZDistance=150 -s supportEverywhere=0 -s filamentDiameter=2850 -s initialLayerThickness=300 -s supportAngle=-1 -s fanFullOnLayerNr=2 -s extruderOffset[1].X=18000 -s extruderOffset[1].Y=0 -s layerThickness=100 -s endCode=M25 ;Stop reading from this point on.


    -s minimalExtrusionBeforeRetraction=20 -s retractionMinimalDistance=1500 -s skirtMinLength=150000 -s objectSink=0 -s retractionAmount=4500 -s skinSpeed=50 -s skirtLineCount=1 -s startCode= -s skirtDistance=3000 -s extruderOffset[2].Y=0 -s extruderOffset[2].X=0 -s printSpeed=50 -s fixHorrible=1 -s layer0extrusionWidth=400 -s moveSpeed=150 -s supportLineDistance=2666 -s retractionAmountExtruderSwitch=16500 -s sparseInfillLineDistance=2000 -s insetCount=2 -s downSkinCount=6 -s multiVolumeOverlap=150 -g 49675 -s posx=120415 -s posy=152975 $

    Cura_SteamEngine version 15.01

    Copyright © 2014 David Braam


    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify

    it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by

    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or

    (at your option) any later version.


    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


    GNU Affero General Public License for more details.



  5. Yep (probably). rigs has explored this issue recently.

    You have to downgrade the firmware (if i recognize your post correctly - you don't have done this yet?).

    A factory reset is not sufficient.

    Just use the Cura V14.12.1 and select "Machine -> Install default firmware..." from the menu.

    And afterwards - make a new video.. ;)


    That was the solution. I have no more problems after installing default fimware.

    Thank you! :)


  6. Hello everyone. This is my first post but I read this forum quite a lot. I would like to say that I enjoy my time reading this forum and it was very helpful so far. So just props to all of you members for doing such a great job.

    Now i have a problem and a question (I apologize if its answered already somewhere else, at this time i couldn't find the topic), why this in the video happens to my extruder..? Every time i try to load or remove filament it stops rotating little after the middle of the process. Its not such a problem when i load the filament since it continues to load it up slowly, but its a bigger problem when i want to remove the filament since then i have to do it manually.

    Everything else so far seems to be ok with the extrusion when printing.

    Any help would be much appreciated.



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