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  1. pm_dude thank you for the details - I will change the feeder and run tests. Right now I have to solve another problem - my nozzle is cloaked and blocked - I performed at least 15 times the atomic version to remove anything in there - but I can not get out what´s in it... I am thinking about maybe taking it apart - or have a new one sent ... I know wrong thread but any ideas here? Roland MJ
  2. Hey Ultimaker User! thanks for posting that hint - I have a lot of trouble with wood-filament, XT and NinjaFlex on my UM2. Can you be a bit more specific in how you prepare the materials (oil up ninjaflex - what to use and how and ...?) and also what settings do you use in Cura and on the machine itself for the materials? It would be good to have data and put a guide together for the community, so that the frustration-level is not that high anymore... Now that we have all the material and try to blog about our experiences (started in German language), we really could use some hints - combined with our testing and documentation (pictures, Videos) we can give then good feedback to all other UM2 users... Hope for your valued input here - RMJ
  3. Hey community, i kinda had / have the same problem - any helpful tips? Roland MJ
  4. Hallo UCommunity als frischer Besitzer eines UM2 nähe Landshut/München wäre ich auch gern für ein Treffen mit Austausch im Südlichen Raum - alternativ auch gern mal in Berlin - unter der Woche Abends. Dort hab ich einen Bekannten der einen kleinen Laden hat, in dem 20-30 Leute mal eben Platz haben... Gibts denn schon eine Festlegung hierzu? Falls noch nicht, wer aus dem Raum München/Landshut möchte sich denn gerne schon vorab zusammentun und austauschen? MFG Roland MJ impressio3d.de (im Aufbau)
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