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Posts posted by area0404

  1. As stated in the title. Every print, my bed shifted up/down 0.2-0.5mm, requiring aggressive releveling of bed during skirt (fortunately so far it has been within adjustable range of the bed leveling screws). My machine has been more than 5 years old, originally a Ultimaker 2 which is upgraded to 2+. The motherboard burned itself out some years ago too so that was changed to a new original board.


    I'm wondering if I'm just dealing with an old homing limit switch or if this is a software issue.

  2. And your setting differs on various micro level as well. On a cold day I usually turn up my head temperature by a few degrees so I won't suffer random under-extrusion attacks. Even different colours of the same material from the same brand may result in a +-5 degree difference. Same material from different brands may cause an even bigger +-20 degree difference.


  3. Mine limits to 60 if I do it on my Ultimaker 2 itself. Maybe it is a firmware issue? You can try updating. On Cura however, there is no warning (like when u set your shell thickness to be different from your print head width multiplier or when u put the temperature really high). So I am not sure exactly how high I can go there. I would assume 60 is the limit though.


  4. Hi! Just trying to gather the masses' opinion on your retraction setting for PLA on your machine. I've faced some pretty severe stringing issues for a while now. Having dropped temperature low enough to cause delamination between layers (175 for Ultimaker PLA Black), I conducted some testing and realized that low temperature isn't likely to be the solution here. In desperation, I started tuning up my retraction distance and find that may have generated better results.

    So far, I find the most effective being 60mm/s and 9mm. Personally, I heard ppl having their optimal result at much lower (like 60mm/s and 5.5mm). Is that something differs from machine to machine? Or perhaps we have yet to discover the optimal setting?

    Please answer to this poll so we can find out!


  5. The blue material that we sell sucks. It's one of the worst printing materials that we have. I'm pretty sure a big part of the problems are caused by this. The silver/grey material prints way better.


    Hooray! I was hoping for this answer! That means once I am through with this set of blue @#$@, it may be that I can do without cleaning up after every print. In the mean time, 0.075, 195 and 60 still shows no sign of improvement.


  6. Higher quality fillament could be it.


    Nope, this is the original ultimaker's blue PLA. I suppose they have a higher quality (as they are about 50% more expensive than 3rd party brands in general here)?


    At that speed and layer size you should be able to print at lower temp. 200C or even lower


    Hm... I'll try 200 once at 40mm/sec and see if anything changes. Thank you!


  7. I've not experienced this before and only read about it. The right course of action is to flip your glass and continue using the smooth side or getting a new piece of glass altogether. Sometimes, the print is etched into the micro fracture of the glass and then during cooling (when your piece "pops" off the glass), the bond strength between your piece and your glass became higher than the bond strength between different areas of your glass and the glass pops off instead. Seems like a rather unavoidable part about printing on glass. I wonder if anyone has any permanent solution.


  8. Didn't read through every post since some are really long. Here are some of my personal experience. Since I usually print overnight, I realized than the banding issue at night is quite a bit worse than during day. Though after I laser cut and installed an acrylic door (nothing on top, yet), almost all banding issues disappeared.

    Perhaps, it is cause by wind creating variation in temperature. This temperature causes inconsistent shrinkage of plastic after printing. Or maybe even inconsistent extrusions.

    Another possible explanation is that the door actually slows down the speed of convection of hot air so it created an ambience of slightly higher temperature which allows less and more consistent shrinkage of plastic.

    Maybe you can try adding a door and eventually a top. Maybe even a heated chamber.


  9. I've constantly encountered rather bad oozing & stringing issues for quite a while already. They are not hard to clean manually but as I constantly wonder if alternate solution is possible. I've tried extrusion, zhop, faster movement speed to little to no effect. I am at a lost...



    And here are my settings. Code flavor is reprap because I prefer setting temperature in program rather than manual it at printer.





    Anyone knows a possible solution? Thanks in advance!


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