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Everything posted by Czech_NOR

  1. Hi, I have an Ultimaker 2+ with the below Cura settings: X (width): 223 mm Y (Depth): 223 mm Z (Height): 205 mm I'm trying to print multiple parts and want to maximise the area. I'm printing without any adhesion (brim, skirt etc) and support. Cura is showing that all parts are within the printable area, but when I try to print it from the SD-card I get the error "Trying to print outside printable area". This happens also if I manually move the parts "well within" the boundaries in Cura. How can I ensure that Cura is using the same boundaries as the printer is applying so that I don't get this error. Appreciate any help and support.
  2. Hi, Do anyone have the machine settings and print profile for the Vertex K8400 for either the Cura 2.1.2 or the 2.1.3? I've tried to customise it myself, but having big difficulties getting the settings right or even print at all. I therefore hope some of you have done the hard work already that I can benefit from. Regards, C
  3. Do anyone know where I can adjust the bed size and/or print area for the z, y and z-axis?
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