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  1. Yes, the file is .gcode. And it should be able to print. One of the prints i tried printing using USB, i printed using Cura over the network with the exact same settings. But thank you
  2. If you want to do that, you would also have to forward port 80. I would not recommend you do that though, as you open up your UM3 to the world. Damn. I really want to do this but i can see that it's quite a risk.
  3. Currently i'm monitoring my UM3 from outside my home network by opening port 8080 and using my ip address followed by ":8080/?action=stream" like this: [iP Address]:8080/?action=stream I hoped that i would be able to control the printer from Cura using my external IP but it doesn't look like it works.
  4. Hello I just received my Ultimaker 3 last week and it's printing fine using the network print but when i try using the 'Save to file' in Cura to a USB flash drive and printing from it on the Ultimaker. The printer quickly starts to home but immediately stops and tells me that it has finished printing. What is causing this? I've tried using different models and both the stock USB drive and 2 of my own. I also tried using third party slicers like S3D and Slic3r.
  5. Hello. I'm sorry if it's obvious, but i can't seem to find anything about the testing firmware. I would like to know what has changed in the testing firmware because i'm considering trying to update to the testing branch. Thank you
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