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  1. I wish there was a way to print with the 1.75mm as well. I had another printer before the U3 and it took 1.75mm. I have way more than I would want to "give away" (about 40 spools?). I have to replace some things on previous printer to get it working again, it just seemed with that previous one I had had such "high hopes" to no avail. The U3 prints beautifully, just wish I could use the 1.75mm for both using up what I already have and my local Microcenter sells 3mm in about 5 colors.
  2. What an ambitious project! Our makerspace has the U2 which we upgraded to the 2+. After personally owning 2 unreliable home built, we decided to invest in the U3 because of how reliable and how much better the 2+ prints were. We received our U3 last week. So far we haven't been able to get the rotating orb to print which was a surprise but it was because the black filament knotted almost 3 days into the print. Will have to reprint. Right now just printing some add on pieces for the U3 (tool holders, etc.) I need to read up on how to design for the U3 as I am very excited about the prospects! I look forward to seeing your future posts as this one was very informative! Thank you....
  3. Version 1.0


    Tardis Ring box
  4. My boyfriend surprised me with this print ... wow the quality is so much better since he upgraded the UM2 to a UM2+ ... however, I was surprised that the base was loose on the Tardis....his status was immediately upgraded. I <3MY G33K! Yes, the engagement ring is a Tardis, so I guess you could say both of our statuses were upgraded. [print=11730][/print]
  5. Lost one of the screws from the door kit; anyone know what type of screw that is? Would appreciate the info! BTW it is amazing the advancement in quality in the UM2 to a UM2+! Thank you for your time.
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