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Everything posted by DoRayEgon

  1. The best way to show you the supports is in Cura: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dhynilgxvthzch3/supports.JPG?dl=0 They're fairly high towers and they just detach from the model mid-print. The funny thing is that when I first started using the UM3+ the supports where one of the most impressive things about it because they seemed to print and detach perfectly, better than any other printer I've used. The only difference I can think of was that I was only printing one model at a time then and I was using the 0.06mm profile. I've now gone back to the 0.06mm profile as the Support Bottom Distance can be as low as 0.06mm. Perhaps the supports will attach better with a smaller layer height? I'll find out soon enough as I've just set another print off so fingers crossed.
  2. Thanks for the video. I'm at work at the moment so i'll have to give it a proper watch later, but the issue i'm having with the supports isn't with them not sticking to the build plate; the issue is that they don't stick to the parts of the model itself. Things tend to stick to the build plate well enough.
  3. I've just done another test and the print is much improved just with the lower speeds. Infill is looking good, however, I am still getting collapsing supports. I tried adding a base to the supports to help them stick better but they keep falling off mid-print. They just seem to topple over. The biggest problem with this is that the printer obviously keeps trying to print the support and ends up dragging stringy bits of filament all over the print. Aside from turning supports on and adding a base to them, I've left all the settings on the default. Anything else I can try?
  4. I'm at 230 degrees at the moment. I might try 240 and will also experiment with covers. These are the blobby bits I'm talking about circled in blue: https://www.dropbox.com/s/t6o8wsvzau8qu1n/Capture.PNG?dl=0 The stringy bits are mostly bits of support that the printer is trying to print when the lower section has already fallen away.
  5. I've been selecting the quality profile first and then making adjustments. I didn't find a noticeable benefit by using 0.04mm so I've been using 0.1mm for this specific print. The values I got above come from the 0.1mm profile and I've then just changed the print speed value to 45mm/s. This automatically set the values I have above.
  6. Thanks for the suggestions gr5. I didn't have all of the settings exposed for speed so I was only setting the print speed and travel speed (45mm/s and 250mm/s respectively). After exposing the other speed values this is what Cura had them set to: Print Speed: 45 Infill Speed: 45 Wall Speed: 25 Outer Wall Speed: 17 Inner Wall Speed: 25 Top/Bottom Speed: 25 Support Speed: 17 Support Infill Speed: 17 Are you suggesting that I set all of these speeds to something like 30mm/s? As I'm already having issues with supports detaching wouldn't increasing this speed be problematic?
  7. As per the title, I'm having some issues with a print that I've been trying to do for weeks now. I'm using an Ultimaker 3+ and printing with Ultimaker ABS. I've got the latest firmware and Cura version. The first few prints I did were working fine but it seems to have gotten progressively worse. The biggest issue seems to be loads of blobby parts to the outer wall of the print. The infill also come out really patchy and often doesn't print at all. Finally, the supports seem to lose adhesion to the main part of the model and detach mid-print. I've tried cleaning the print core, autolevelling and have recalibrated the xy offset. Nothing seems to make a difference. I'm getting the same result no matter whether I print with 0.04mm, 0.1mm or 0.15mm layer height. I'm generally printing at 230 degrees people to head and 80 degree build plate. My print speed varies from 45-60mm/s depending on layer height. I'm a bit new to all this and I'm at a bit of a loss. The printer was performing great but has just gotten worse and I don't know why. At some stage I updated the firmware and Cura software and things seem to have gotten worse after that, but that could just be my imagination. Here's a photo of the bad infill: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4pr9r7fbuw01s6w/IMG_6789_zpsqlgxulgt.JPG?dl=0 The inner most circle is supposed to have 20% infill. Here is the blobby walls: https://www.dropbox.com/s/7am6ksfp1998v0i/IMG_6791_zpscsjxro7x.JPG?dl=0 Some of the stringy plastic is from printing collapsed supports, but it's the blobs on the outer wall that I can't live with. Any advice to solve this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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