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Posts posted by DF-Werkzeugservice

  1. Hi,

    thanks for the answers! I've ordered two 3DSolex yesterday (even at your gr5store, as the printer and me are in the US ;) ), I hope it will not only make the unclogging easyier but also prevent the clogging due to its nozzle geometry without loosing printing speed.

    I have to use ABS because the parts will be used as templates for manufacturing processes where we suppose they might fall down to the floor sometimes. In a couple of tries we have figured out that PLA just breaks to easy for that.

    I haven't tried NGen yet, but I'll give it a try if nothing else helps. But we have already lots of big FF spools in stock, so I really would prefer to use them.

    I have figured out that 80 °C with BuildTak is for my application the right thing. The ABS bonds really strong to it, I have nearly no issues with warping (I got a cover and door, of course). If i go hotter with the build plate, the HIPS supports close to the plate get soft and this occurs in high warping of supported areas.

    I can use idle temperatures in S3D, but I haven't done yet. As you told me, it would really make sense to use them, I'll try this now.

    Thank you!

  2. Hello together,

    I've got an Ultimaker 3 Extended and I'm suffering from constant nozzle clogging.

    This is my current situation:

    Printer: Ultimaker 3 Extended

    Layer Height: 0,2 mm

    Material 1: FormFutura EasyFil ABS (255 °C, AA Core)

    Material 2: FormFutura LimoSolve HIPS (240 °C, AA Core) as Support

    Printing Speed: 60 - 90 mm/s

    Slicer: Simplify3D

    Infill: 50%

    Bed: 80 °C, BuildTak

    Ultitop & Front Door

    I'm printing large parts with a printing time between 10 and 20h, and at every second or third print, the nozzle (mainly Nozzle 1 with ABS) clogs. I've been printing a smaller part with ~ 6h for one week now and every single time the nozzle clogged.

    I don't want to use Ultimaker ABS, because my customer needs more different colors than UM offers for ABS and I would really like to stay with one manufacturer of filament.

    So far I've only heard good things from FormFutura, has anyone of you had some bad experience with it?

    These are the actions I've taken so far against the clogging, with no result at all:

    - place sponge in front of extruder to clean filament

    - tried different extruder tensions

    - oiling filament

    - cleaning bowden tube

    - cleaning extruder (complete disassembled & using compressed air)

    - using temperatures between 240 - 270 °C (5 °C steps)

    - slower printing

    - replacing both printcores

    So...  has anyone an other idea what I could do with this?

    Thanks in advance!

    Edit: I forgot to mention that I'm using a German RepRap X400 since two days for the same work. It's got a Direct Drive (DD3) and I'm using FormFutura (1,75 mm) ABS there, too. So far no issues with that one, so I'm pretty sure it's not the filament itself.

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